The Power of Love:- William and Kate.

The Royal Wedding:-

special-gift-RQH2-sm Rose Quartz the Stone of Love 
A romantic at heart; I just watched the Royal Wedding. Love really does make the world go round!
A year of such sadness has just been balanced by this beautiful event. I couldn’t help but notice the number of beautiful Angel statues not only in the church but also the gorgeous gold Angel on top of the feature in the fountain outside the palace.  The choir sang like Angels and the music on the TV coverage Pachebel’s Cannon in D is one of my all time favourite classical peices.

special-gift-HS-sm Goodluck

The only way I will get to give them a horse shoe is here; so good luck William & Kate; may the Angels surround your marriage and may your love grow stronger for each other every day.

Angel Blessings



by michelle