Angel Sign:- Abundance & “Golden Tongue Wisdom”

Our thought patterns & belief systems surrounding money are usually inground since childhood.  Over the years we unconsciously develop ideas around & about money. This is why changing our thought processes regarding money requires alot of work on our behalf.  Once you have committed to changing the way you think about money you are on your way, especially if you ask for the assistance of the Angels of Abundance.
Several years ago I made a conscious decision to improve my relationship with money. Following this I remember being in the car one day with my beautiful niece Stephanie; I was driving her home after watching her play netball.  She was sitting in the passenger seat looking in her purse.  We were chatting away when all of a sudden she pulled out a $10 bill, held it up and said to me “I just love money Michelle”.  Following this of course I explained that it was great to hear that because it was a wonderful thing to love money.  I thought about this little event later because instantly when she said that she “loved money” I couldn’t recall ever feeling like that at her age or infact have never actually felt that I loved money; my usual relationship with money was to worry about it:- mainly will I have enough to pay the bills etc.
When you make a decision to improve something in your life and you invite the Angels in to assist you this is when you must pay attention to their guidance.  Stephanies little statement is an Angel Sign which I refer to as “Golden Tongued Wisdom”.  This is Angelic Guidance delivered to you through another person.  The person has no idea of the impact of the statement they make to you, it just seemed relevant to them at the time.  This short statement made me reflect deeply on my belief systems regarding money.  I must admit that I work on the state of my abundance daily through affirmations, meditation and with visualisation techniques & it has improved dramatically; however I  still have a way to go as the worry often creeps in.  Money itself has no emotion at all, it is purely an energy which we can learn to connect with.

“Ask and it shall be given to you…..Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.” (Christ).

Not only is it important to ask but you also must know in your heart that whatever you have asked for is on its way and will be delivered in Angel time.

Other Angel Signs you may receive regarding money are “Material Signs” such as coins & money notes left on a footpath or somewhere in the house or car.  Also the number sequence 888 means prosperity is coming to you.  When you receive such signs always say “thankyou for this sign that abundance is coming into my life”.

Thankyou Stephanie & Thankyou Angels of Abundance.
To my readers may you always have great prosperity in your lives.  Namaste



Angels of Abundance

Angels of Abundance:-
It is during difficult times that we so need to contact our Angels.  Financially many people are struggling throughout the world at this present point in time.  The Angels are ready to support us through these times, all we have to do is ask for extra assistance whether this is with a flow of money to pay the bills or maybe a new employment opportunity.  I have used many simple techniques over the years to assist my flow of abundance.  One of these is to place Angel confetti on my bills, on the front and inside of my bank books and also inside my purse.  I also write affirmations on the front of my bank books along side the Angel confetti.  The Angel confetti is a visual sign that I am asking and placing the Angels with my finances.  I place both the confetti and the affirmation with my positive ‘intent’.  By doing this simple ritual my abundance has certainly improved & my husband even goes along without any question!  I also utilise the energy of crystals to assist my abundance flow.  I always have a small piece of citrine in my purse placed with the intent “that I will always have enough money in my purse for my needs”, a piece of citrine, aventurine and rose quartz in my wealth corner of my living room and also citrine in the container that holds the bills to be payed.  A piece of jade is also beneficial in your mail box.  The following is a short list of Angels to call on for specific needs regarding your finances:-
Barachiel:-can make sure you always have enough food on the table.
Chamuel:-can assist you when you are worrying about money.
Gabriel:-assists you to save money for a special purchase such as a house.
Isafel:-assists people in business.
Gagiel:-is the ‘Angel of prosperity’.

aok-affirmation-magnet-M811-sm Citrine Crystal Angel Card aok-affirmation-magnet-M825-sm Affirmation Magnet

Just to let you all know, I will be attending the Werribee ‘Peace & Harmony Spiritual Expo’ this weeked Sunday 16th of August, at the Wyndham Leisure Centre, 80 Derrimut Road Hopper Crossing from 10am till 5pm.  The following weekend on Sunday the 23rd August I will be exhibiting at the Healsville Healing & Psychic Expo; Healsville Memorial Hall, 235-237 Maroondah Highway from 10am-5pm.  I will be speaking both days on ‘Angel signs & synchronicities and how to interpret them.’  Hope to see you there. PS:-I have some beautiful new stock of crystals & Angel Products so tell your friends.

Angel Blessings


Double Rainbows- Angel Sign

Angel Sign:- Double Rainbows

The Angels are bringing me back to talk about rainbows again, so obviously this is an important topic to cover at this moment in time.  I have had many delightful emails from people over the past few weeks telling me of their experiences of sighting this most awesome sign.  Just this last week I have had an email from a beautiful man telling me about the most spectacular ‘circular’ rainbow he sighted in the sky whilst he was as passenger on a plane flying over America. What a blessing to view such a magnificent creation in the sky.  I refer to the rainbow as one of many ‘nature signs’the Angels deliver from above.  In my own discussions with the Angels they inform me that we are about to view many more spectacular rainbows such as double rainbows, different shaped rainbows and also we may start to see some unusual colours within rainbows.
Just this morning I received this magnificent sign again but it wasn’t delivered in the sky!  I opened our small local newspaper and as I turned a page in a section called the country news which is obviously about farming and the land, here was an add from the City of Greater Shepparton.  It had a photo in it which was of a dry paddock with two trees in it. One tree has no foliage left on it and in the background sky is a double rainbow!!  The message written on the photo is:- Ask for help and support yourself, your family and your community.  Underneath the photo is information about assistance available for drought affected families and communities. The Angels are certainly watching over those affected by the drought and know that it is through enduring the hardest of times that we develope spiritually but their message is clear here; they know that country people don’t like to ask for help but they are urging them to. Even if making a call to one of these agencies is too difficult then please call in your Angels or ask for an Earth Angel to show up with the assistance you require.

angel-gift-APFA4-sm New product

The newspaper photo is an example of how the Angels can deliver the same sign but in a different format.  The rainbow sign was then repeated for me prior to writing this.  I was walking up the passage and saw rainbow colours on the wall from light radiating through the front doors glass side panel.
If you have had a repeated rainbow sign please tell people about it through the comments below and of course drop me an email too if you like. Till next time wishing many Angel blessings



Angel Sign:- Coloured Feathers & Their Meanings

The Angels love to leave us feathers to let us know that they are around us.  Often however, they will chose to leave a specific coloured feather; this is because the colour has an energetic significance. Therefore; a coloured feather is not only left for reassurance but it is also left a an ‘Angel Sign’ bearing a significant message. As I usually reinforce any sign left is more significant if seen two or three times. Note what you were thinking about when you find the feather, the time of day, where you find it, who you are with at the time and anything else that you may think is relevant. Different colours can mean different things to people, so be intuitively guided when you are trying to put the pieces together.  Always thank the Angels for leaving you any sign and if necessary ask for more understanding of what they may be trying to communicate with you.  If you are observant enough the Angels may give you a sequence of signs in a short amount of time.  For example at the start of the year I began to see a repeated sign every time I went to work, it was a number plate “QIT” and each time I saw it I said thankyou. I knew it is time for me to move on but I just wasn’t ready to.  Then one day after seeing the number plate again I walked into the hospital thinking about it, at that moment I looked down and there on the carpet was a bright pink feather. I stopped and picked it up.  Obviously several people must have walked over it as I had passed many people on the way in, but it was meant for me.  The Angels were saying to me that they knew I had been receiving the “QIT” sign and it was alright they loved me and were surrounding me with love as
I contemplated it.

Below is a short list of what coloured feathers may mean:-

White:- spirituality, hope, protection, purification, moon blessings, faith, truth
Green:-money, fertility, growth, peace, success, health, abundance,
Brown:-stability, grounding, home, endurance, friendship, simplicity
Orange:- energy, success, change, attraction, ambition, emotions, optimism
Yellow:- intelligence, vision, grace, generosity, happiness
Red:- courage, passion, success, security, career goals, action
Pink:-love, friendship, compassion, service, faithfulness, honor, harmony
Grey:-peace, neutrality, practical, authentic, flexibility
Blue:-contentment, peace, inspiration, communication, acceptance
Black & white:-protection
Brown & white:-happiness
Grey & white:- hope
Green & red:-finances
Blue, white & black:- change

Hope this has been of some assistance. Till next time, happy feather finding!
Angel Blessings


Angel Sign:- Feathers

The feather is the ancient symbol of good luck and the universal symbol of spirit and flight.  The feather represents the journey of the soul to the other realms, as well as the spirit of air.  Therefore, feathers are truly the calling cards of Angels!  Angels love to work with feathers leaving them for us to reassure us and to show us that we are cared for eternally.  I have found and heard of feathers being left in the most unusual of places; for example inside purses and under wiper blades of cars.  I have personally found a feather at the foot of my sons bed on three consecutive mornings.  They were all different but placed in the same position.  At the time I was a little worried about my son but after this I just took a deep breath and new that he was very loved and protected by the Angels.  Last week I was having a meal with a friend and was telling her about the present Angel project I am working on.  On leaving the restaurant there was a large round bowl that was filled with business cards .  My friend said “look at this” and pulled out the top business card that was for a cleaning business called “Mothers Angels” and had a beautiful purple feather on it!  The Angels were very quick to reaffirm that my project was on track, thankyou Angels.  Another example relates to a time when I had some suspicious activity on my credit card, this really worried me so I asked the Angels to take care of this till I had time to go to the bank as it was during a long weekend.  On the way into the bank the following tuesday I found the most beautiful large green feather on the footpath; I instantly knew that everything would be A.O.K.  The bank manager saw me straight away without an appointment and found that there had been no further activity on my card. I canceled the card and ordered a new one.  To the surprise of the bank manager the replacement card arrived within two days instead of a week.  He said that this had never happened before!
So keep your eyes open for these lovely calling cards.  Most often the Angels will leave white feathers but as with my bank story they will leave coloured feathers when necessary; green of course relating to money.
thumb   Please Support the Angels of Kindness Fund 
Take care till next time & Angel Blessings



Angel Sign:- The Rainbow

When you see a rainbow, what are the Angels trying to tell you?  My Angels told me that the symbolic meaning of sighting a rainbow is that a “special blessing is on the way!”  The rainbow is composed of a nearly continuous spectrum of colours:- the seven fold rays.  It is said to be a magic bridge between heaven and earth. The great ultimate uniting and balance between the spiritual and physical realms made by a ‘Messenger’.  Of course this sign as with all signs you receive becomes more important when you receive it two or three times.  The Angels often send the same sign repeatedly or in different formats to make sure that we have registered the sign and worked out its meaning. Therefore; with the rainbow we may not only see the rainbow in the sky on one or more occasions but we may also see a rainbow in a book, hear about a rainbow in a song or see rainbow colours radiate through a crystal.  It is important to take notice of your thoughts also when you see a sign that is significant or repeated.  For example yesterday my husband and I were driving home from shopping.  I was sitting in the passenger seat quietly thinking about my AOK website when suddenly I saw the most magnificent double rainbow!  This is only the second time that I have ever seen a double rainbow and it was as awe inspiring as the first. Thankyou Angels for blessing my website.  Thankyou also to all those who took my advice through the AOK May newsletter and prayed to Angel Matriel: “The Angel of Rain”. Our prayers have certainly been answered. Keep them up, prayer through Angel Matriel will certainly help to heal this long drought.
hanging-angel-HGAH1-smReflect the colours of the rainbow                  hanging-angel-HGAS1-sm Buy now
Till next time keep a look out for the signs the Angels are sending you.  If you would like to leave a comment about a repeated sign you have been receiving or would like interpreted just let me know through the comment section below.  Angel Blessings.


Angel Numbers 11:11

The Angels love to communicate with us by sending us number sequences. Over the past few years many of you may have been seeing the repeated number pattern of 11:11on digital clocks, car number plates etc. I believe that this is a relatively new but important number pattern the Angels have been sending. It coincides with important energy shifts that have been occurring in the world and is being sent from the Angels to lightworkers on the earth plane during times of heightened awareness.
An example of this number pattern involved my youngest sister & the purchase of her new house:-  My sister recently bought her first house and was so excited, however in the same breath quite nervous, as we all are when we make such big decisions.  She sent me an email :- My new House!!!! with an internet address to go onto to have a look.  I was unable to get the address to work and was a little disappointed, however it was then that I noticed the time that she had sent the email to me.  It was 11:1154. The angels were in fact communicating through me to give her an important message.  My reply went as follows:- I see you sent the email at 11:11; this is awesome as it means that an energetic gateway is opening for you.  As the email is about your house this is great as it relates to the move.  11 is a master number and represents new beginnings, balance & strength.  11:11 is a sign from the Angels to keep positive at all times in all things related to the house and then all will go smoothly.  Just looked up the meaning of the 54 which was at the end of the 11:11 time.  54 means “The Angels assure you that the change you’re contemplating or experiencing is for the best.  They’re with you now & continue to support you during this time of transition.  Call upon them frequently.”  Unreal!!!  I don’t need to see the picture of your house because I know it is meant to be.  Her reply was WOW!!!  As you can see the Angels are constantly trying to reassure us.  This is called a synchronicity: a small miracle.  Just imagine what was involved to get the message to my sister who would have on a subconscious level been asking:-Am i doing the right thing?
The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation to lightworkers (reflective, thoughtful & intuitive souls) that you are on the right track, one that is aligned with your highest truth.  Give thanks when you see this sign & keep positive as doorways are going to open for you.  In my research I also found that alot of people see this sign as a blessing & make a wish; why not!
Adit:- last week I was driving my son to school which is only a 5 minute drive and I saw 11:11 on three number plates in that short time. The importance to take notice is always amplified if you see the number pattern three times. The Angels were starting early that day with me!!!

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Signs From Your Angels

Ask for a sign that they are near you. Angels give us numerous signs everyday which most people don’t notice. For example feathers, coins, flickering lights, electrical equipment turning on and off, flowers, number sequences, letter sequences, animals, cloud formations, rainbows and the list goes on and on. These are called synchronicities:- which means “small miracles”. I will discuss synchronicity in greater depth at a later date as it is an area which I have a huge interest in.
