Angelically Amplified Number Signs

Ask the Angels for help and it always arrives.  I was sitting here pondering what to write about today when a dear friend sent me an email informing me that she had received an email from me at 11:11 on the 29th which also translates to 2+9=11.  Not only did she receive my email but at that exact time, 11:11 received a total of 4 emails.  She realised the importance of what had just happened so she went and looked up my past blog on the number pattern 11:11 for some guidance.
Here we have an example of a Angel number sign ‘Amplification’.  The importance here is amplified x4.  Numbers with 4 in them are always specifically about Angels.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- number 4  
“Angels are with you.  Call upon them for help, guidance & feelings of love & security”.

So not only does she need to understand the relevance of the number sequence 11:11 a call to her as a light worker but they are really wanting her to know that they are ready & available to help with her life purpose.  So amplified signs are VIP; a must pay attention type of sign.
Just think about how many minor miracles were performed for this one sign to be delivered to her!!!
Looks like there is alot of candles about to be made Kirst xxxx
As you know every number has a meaning and the most wonderful tool that Doreen Virtue has gifted us is her numbers book; I highly recommend it.
angel-book-DVAN101-sm  Buy online in AOK Shop
PS The Angels can amplify any sign they deliver not only numbers.
So keep your eyes peeled!!

Angel Blessings Always.


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Have you ever been on a mission to fix what seems to be one problem after another?  Well this has been the storyline of my past few months.  None the less I am happy to report that I have managed to soldier on slowly getting on top of things as they present.  As Dr Wayne Dyer says “There’s a solution to every problem!”.  With this in mind I would love to share a little true story that unraveled the other day.  My dear friend Marg & I were on our way down to Melbourne in the car on one of my recent  ‘solution drives!’  Marg is the first to say “that she is not observant and never has been!”; however I think that she has been around me so long now that she is actually picking up a lot of signs that are delivered.  As we were driving Marg says “you really need one of those number books in the car you know!” and I agreed but have just never quite managed to attend to it.  With that Marg reads the car number plate directly in front of us which read …464  Next thing I know Marg excitedly says “Look at that, the same numbers!!!”  Another car drove up past us in the second lane so that we were looking at two cars with exactly the same numbers side by side in front of us i.e. …464      …..464  Both the cars stayed together for quite some time it was quite amazing.  I have asked the Angels about this and they call it a ‘duplicate number sign’.  Of course this sign is amplified as it is presented twice and at the same time.  I couldn’t wait to get home to look up the meaning.  The meaning read:- “The Angels assist you with the human steps to take in this situation.  Move forward in trust” ( From Doreen Virtues Angel Numbers 2005)  If only I did have the book in the car at the time I would have known that the drive was going to render one issue solved.  The story continues: On arriving home that night Margs daughter came around to see me as she had been doing some reading for me.  I told her the story about the number plates.  As I told her she just looked so shocked.  She said “I think you had better come outside!”  There in the driveway was her car and you guessed it her number plate …..464!!!  I took a huge sigh of relief and knew that all would be A.O.K

angel-book-DVAN101-sm  A must have buy now

Angel Blessings


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Today I want to share a lovely experience that I shared with a little girl called Emily at an expo in Healsville that I recently attended.  Emily,her mother and little sister were in the audience at Healsville when I spoke about Angel signs and how to interpret them.  During my talk Emily’s little sister 9 years asked me about a repeated number sequence that she had been receiving; I knew the individual meanings of the numbers but asked her to come down to my stall and we would look up Doreen Virtues numbers book for more explanation.  Following the talk the two little girls followed me down to my stall; after looking up the number meaning Emily had a question for me.  All of 12 years old and as serious as they come, Emily says to me; “I have a question for you but I don’t think you are going to be able to answer it!”  (This is what I refer to as Golden Tongued Wisdom or “Out of the Mouths of Babes and Others”)  Emily was just delivering a message with no intent of any disrespect.  After she said it I instantly knew that I would not know the answer so I said to Emily; “Well I probably won’t know the answer but lets make a deal; we will work on finding out the answer together.”  She agreed to this.  Emily said that since she had been at the expo she had been seeing a repeated sign; the ‘Paisley Print’.  I must say I was quite amazed; what 9 year old even knows what a paisley print is!  She said “I have seen it everywhere today” and she pointed out several examples as we were standing at my stall.  Aren’t children just awesome!!

Lets look at the Spiritual meaning if the paisley symbol.  The paisley symbol resembles a twisted tear-drop, kidney shape or an elongated comma; it is of Persian & Indian origin, however the modern name ‘paisley’ came from Scotland named after the town of ‘Paisley’.   My investigations found that the paisley design is rich in symbolic and spiritual meaning.  In India the paisley signified the time of harvest, a time of spiritual and socio-economical significance.  In Eastern religions, two paisley symbols are representative of the ying-yang; the interaction of two polar energies :ie male & female of which encompasses creation; (this symbol is therefore often found on wedding bands to signify the union of marriage).  Some believe that the paisley represents a floral spray and the ancient cypress tree of the Middle East; a spiritually rich tree often depicted in the Bible.  The paisley also had its origins in royal designs of the Safavid Dynasty of Persia of the 16th & 17th century.  At that time the paisley floral motif was very popular in decorative designs of royal insignias, crowns, jewellery, persian carpets & embroidery.  The Paisley design saw a resurgence in the 60’s culture with an interest in Indian spirituality and was made popular by the Beatles pilgrimage to India in 1968.

special-gifts-PAISM-sm The Paisley collection now available in the online shop. Gift boxes covered in the paisley print featuring blue Angel as shown, buttterfly, the friendship butterfly, blue bird of happiness & the lucky elephant. 

After this encounter I realised that the Angels were instructing me to do further research into various ‘Symbolic’ ‘Angel Messages’; I’m sure this will prove to be very interesting.
Till next time;

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign The Written Word

One of the ways Angels deliver signs to us is through the written word.  This includes written passages in books, phone text messages, billboards, sign posts, car number plates and in emails.  I received this email today and thought it was just lovely so I wanted to pass it on; maybe its a message for just for you.

Somebody is thinking of you
somebody is caring about you
somebody misses you
somebody wants to talk to you
somebody hopes you aren’t in trouble
somebody is thankful for the support you have provided
somebody wants to hold your hand
somebody hopes everything turns out alright
somebody wants you to be happy
somebody wants you to find him/her
somebody is celebrating your successes
somebody wants to give you a gift
somdbody thins thay you ARE a gift
somebody loves you
somebody admires your strength
somebody is thinking of you and smiling
somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on
Tell a friend : AOK Angels
Never take away anyone’s hope.  That may be all they have.
Author Unknown

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign:- Numbers

One of the easiest ways the Angels find to communicate with us is through the use of numbers.  There are many spiritual connotations to numbers and each number has numerological significance.  The Angels communicate with us through numbers throughout our day by using devices such as clocks, videos, watches, & computers.  Messages are also delivered on car number plates, signs, house numbers, street signs, within books, magazines and on billboards. The main thing to take into consideration as with any Angel Sign is a message that is repeated, especially two or three times.  Once you start to see a significant pattern of a repeated number message then it is important to find the significance of the message for yourself.  The Angel message is amplified if the number sequence you are observing is shown in multiples for example 111, 222 or 333.  As I have spoken about previously the number pattern 11:11 is significant for Lightworkers and means that there is an energetic gateway that you are about to experience; so therefore I advise when you see this often to “Make a Wish”.  The following list is some general meanings of Angel Numbers that you can receive.

1. Watch your thoughts.                  111 Energetic Gateway especially for

2. Faith & Courage.                         222 Everything will be alright.

3. Ascended Masters.                      333 Ascended Masters around you.

4. Angels.                                        444 Thousand of Angels around you.

5. Change & Transformation.            555 Major changes & opportunities.

6. Earthly Materials & Possessions.   666 Ask for help from above.

7. God; Right Path.                          777 Congratulations you have listened
to Divine Guidance & put it into action.

8. Abundance & Money.                   888 Great prosperity is coming to you.

9. Life Purpose.                               999 Get to work Lightworker.

I hope this is of some assistance in interpreting the Angel numbers you receive.  I recommend Doreen Virtues Angel numbers book; its a great resource to have. An easy to use little book which I personally use everyday.

angel-book-DVAN101-sm   Buy Now From the AOK Online Shop.

Till next time enjoy the Angel number signs that are delivered to you; be observant!!
Angel Blessings


‘Angel’ Angel Signs (Transcendent Angel Signs)

I would like to write about a very special ‘Angel’ sign that heaven delivers called a ‘Transcendent Angel Sign’.  This sign I refer to as being ‘Transcendent’ meaning; above or beyond what is expected as normal. Of ‘God’; having existence outside the created world and ordinary limitations. Supreme, supernatural or mystical; above and beyond what is expected as normal.  This is not an ‘everyday’ type sign.  Throughout my life I have found that this type of sign is delivered at times of great stress or distress; they are delivered almost ‘unexpectedly’ as one is consumed by the stress that is playing out in life.  It is the most comforting type of sign they deliver and when received an instant overwhelming feeling of calmness and relief washes over you that pulls you back into a state of control.  This sign is generally delivered as an actual visual of an Angel.  I have received many varied transcendent signs.  For example; for the past 25 years I stayed in the one job. Last year I finally decided it was time for a change; one that I found difficult to make as I was so attached to my previous workplace.  In June last year I found myself in a new job as an Associate Lecturer of Nursing at Latrobe University.  I really enjoyed the job and I knew that the Angels had put my in a place where I would develop my public speaking abilities; so I felt grateful for that.  However; for many reasons I found the job taxing.  By the end of the year I found myself asking the Angels for another job.  In January this year I applied for a new job at Melbourne University. As I sat nervously waiting to go in for the interview I found myself asking, “what are you doing?”, “do you really want to change again after only six months?” etc etc  It was then that I suddenly looked up and saw the emblem of the Melbourne University on the glass wall behind the main reception desk; A beautiful Angel!  Instantly I felt calm and a sense of “I’m in the right place came over me”  Yes; I got the job & the hours that I was looking for.  Now everyday I wear a name badge with an Angel on it and see the Angel emblem everywhere.  It feels like the right place for me to be at the present point of time.  I could tell many other similar stories of receiving transcendent Angel signs.  All involve seeing a visual of an Angel. For example; someone wearing an Angel Pin, opening a magazine to find a picture of an Angel and a story about Angels, someone has an Angel pen, receiving a gift of an Angel or a card with an Angel on it, receiving an email about Angels, looking at the TV to see someone making Angel biscuits etc.  The only time that I have received this sign in a format other than a visual Angel is when someone has said “Hello my name is Angel” or when I have rung someone about an important matter and they say; “actually I am just outside a shop that is called ‘Angels …….!!!”

angel-oracle-cards-AFO-sm   Receive an Angel Sign with my new oracle deck

Till next time may all your encounters be truly ‘Angelic’.  Angel Blessings


Golden Tongued Wisdom/The Colour Gold:- Angel Signs

Happy New Year & welcome to 2010.  Did you notice that the new year began whilst the moon was full.  I spent New Years Eve with my sister and her friends this year.  Whilst I was talking with a couple of her friends I looked up at the sky and noticed the most magnificent sign.  There was the most unusual cloud formation in the sky and even though the cloud was reasonably dark the edge of the cloud was highlighted by the full moon behind it.  Several of us tried to take photos on phones but no one had a reasonable camera to capture it.  It was then, during much discussion about the cloud that a man (a dairy farmer) said to me “Its a sign; it is a cloud with a silver lining!”  Immediately his wife followed with; “I think it is actually a gold lining on the cloud, that’s a great sign for the New Year!”  Comments that people make like this are Angel Signs called ‘Golden Tongued Wisdom’  Even though they may not be aware of the significance of what they have said the message was taken by me to mean that 2010 is going to be really wonderful & difficulties would resolve.
An old proverb says that “every cloud has a silver lining”.  The cloud referred to is a storm cloud. The correlation therefore between the cloud and the silver lining has been applied to situations in life:- for example we should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days and a negative situation can produce something that is very positive.  The sign has also been seen as a ‘hopeful comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty’; imagine then if the lining was actually ‘Gold’.
Lets then look at the colour ‘Gold ‘and its associated meanings.  Gold is a high energetic vibration.  The Angels tell me that the Gold Lining is a sign of “Transformation”; a cycle completed full of learning & growth.  This golden energy will renew the spirit in readiness for easier & brighter days.  Other meanings for the colour Gold are:- glory, understanding, attraction, spiritual inspiration, wealth & abundance, compassion, confidence & stability.  Sounds great to me!
2010 began with a storm and an inch of rain which is truly a blessing in an area affected by drought.  Just the beginning to brighter days.  I would like to wish you all a golden lined 2010.  May if be full of Angels to guide your way & may you be showered with many Angel Blessings.

PS:- after posting this blog I noticed that at the end of my recent blog titled “rainbow clouds” I said “may all your clouds have rainbows or a silver lining!”; what an interesting a quick response from the Angels. I feel so grateful that I could share it.  Namaste  xx


Rainbow Clouds

The Rainbow Angel Sign continues to present in the sky.  If you have been following my blogs you would be able to imagine how excited I was to open the local paper and see the most beautiful picture that was sent in by a lady from Murchison.  The headline read” ‘Rainbow cloud’ a unique sight.”  I would love to know the time that the picture was taken because the interpretation of the number would have significance to the meaning of the sign for those who were fortunate enough to view it.  How wonderful that this lady chose to share this beautiful work of God.  Through her generosity and most definitely guidance from above this sign has been presented to many many more people but just in a different format. Eventhough the picture of the ‘rainbow cloud’ is in a newspaper the sign is just as significant to those who took notice.

The article went on to describe a short interview from a spokesperson from the Bureau of Meteorology who referred to the rainbow cloud as a Parhelion or “Sundog”.  I would love to know if this person actually viewed the photo.  Of course this lead me to do more research on the subject.  I found an interesting website which I would encourage you to look at which has many awesome photos on it with corresponding descriptions.
This site describes different coloured cloud formations such as the parhelion, corona, glory, circumzenithal arc, circumhorizon arc & iridescent clouds.  I am certainly no expert but to me the photo in the paper corresponded to the photo of ‘iridescent clouds’ on this website not a sundog.

The actual cloud shape of the picture in the newspaper appeared to me to look like a pair of wings; truly Angelic.  Therefore a beautiful Angel Blessing for those who saw it.  At Christmas time we are reminded of our Angel Guides frequently both visually with Christmas decorations such as Angels on our trees, on Christmas cards and through music in Christmas Carols. Despite all these obvious signs the Angels are doing their best to let us know that they are near and care for us dearly so keep your eyes open for the next sign that is delivered personally to you; maybe in the sky.
aok-greeting-card-AB2B-sm AOK Blank Greeting Card    angel-gift-WING1-sm Delicate Angel Wings

PS:- Remember that the Angels love us to laugh.  Just today I was driving with my eldest son to do some Christmas shopping.  We were chatting away about his cousin coming over to play in a special cricket match with my youngest son next week. I said “it should be really good!!”  honestly as the words came out of my mouth a car drove past us and the number plate was no joke “GOODIE”.  We both saw it & just burst out laughing.  To note we had a lovely day.

PSS:- May all your clouds have rainbows or a silver lining. Angel Blessings at Christmas


Angel Sign:- The written word

The Angels will often deliver a message to you through different mediums that use the written word.  A message can be found in a book, magazine,or greeting card.  On a road sign post, in advertising on a bill board, in a shop front, on the side of a truck or bus or in a car number plate.  A hand written letter may hold a message or you may find it on the internet; in an email or a text message on your phone.    Personally I just love words; writing and reading beautiful verses is something that I have always enjoyed. However; I am not an avid reader of novels which may surprise you. My reading is usually centered around the quest for knowledge and subsequently generally delivers me to the areas of medicine or metaphysics and the balance of these subjects relating to the mind, body,spirit connection.
The Angels have prompted me to write this small piece tonight after I received a lovely verse via email tonight from a friend.  Those of you who read this verse have been directed here via the Angels.  They remind me that beautiful things should be shared; especially beautiful words.  May these words bring you the comfort you need when you read it; and know that these words and this message has been delivered to you from the Angels.

             To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
When God takes something from your grasp, he is not punishing you;
but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
(Author Unknown)

If anyone does happen to know who the author of this piece is please drop me a line.  
Thankyou Aunty Jule for the delivery of these beautiful words; I am grateful!

Just to let you know that I will be exhibiting at a newage expo in Geelong on the weekend of the 31st November / 1st December.  153 Pakington Street Geelong West in the Town Hall.  It would be lovely to see you all there. I am hoping to be speaking on both days; about Angel Signs & Synchronicities.   If I find out times I will let you all know through Angelic Answers.  Till next time take care and be observant!!  Angel Blessings



Angel Sign ‘The Car Number Plate’: Synchronicity & Epiphany

Often the Angels deliver the same Angel sign over and over again.  Thank goodness they don’t ever become frustrated with us.  They will deliver the same sign in many different ways or formats until we finally take notice.  The fact that we actually take notice is vitally important here; even if we don’t understand the meaning of the sign.  If we remain observant it will all make sense at exactly the right time. That is why in my talks about Angel signs & synchronicities I teach people to keep a journal of interesting occurances; after some time a pattern or meaning may present itself to you.
A sequence of Angel signs or small miracles will frequently come together to create a synchronistic event; in the eyes of the Angels a ‘large miracle’.  Dr Carl Gustav Jung a Swiss Psychologist coined the phrase Synchronicity as “An apparent coincidence that inspires a sense of wonder & personal meaning or particular significance in the observer.”   Of course I believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence; these events are actually the ‘Divine’ communicating with us and trying to assist us.
Recently I have been receiving a repeated Angel sign.  The same sign, multiple times over the past few weeks, a sign that I had never received before.  The sign was the word ‘WIN’.  Every where I went I saw the car number plate ‘WIN’.  I was receiving this sign so often that I started to think, “whats going on?”  Of course my initial reaction was fantastic; I’m going to win something.   Every time I received the sign I felt really happy.  Then one day I was working on my present project; one that will be revealed very soon.  I was asking the Angels for assistance of just the right person.  My Angels told me to contact a lady that I had met in Queensland, which I did and she gave me the name of someone overseas who she thought would be able to help me out.
Following this conversation I was on the phone with my sister.  I was telling her about my repeated Angel sign & informing her that I was sure I was about to ‘WIN’ tattslotto!  With that and at that precise moment, I looked down at a peice of paper on my desk and there was the name of the lady from overseas:- “Winnie!!  It was then that I suddenly understood my sign and knew that this was the course of action to take.  This moment is called an “epiphany.”  An epiphany is a synchronistic event that leads to a sudden understanding within you.  An “ah ah I get it moment!”
When you start to tune into your guidance life really does become easier.  It is so important to become the observer.  Thankyou Angels for my guidance & reassurance.

As for tattslotto I will have to keep working on that one!!!!

aok-affirmation-magnet-M811-sm Affirmation Magnet        aok-affirmation-magnet-M814-sm Affirmation Magnet

Till next time I hope that every day you WIN!  Angel Blessings & Namaste
If you have seen a repeated car number plate recently; I would love you to share it with me & the other ‘Angelic Answers’ readers.  Please leave your comment
