Angel Sign:- The Colour Orange


Anyone who has heard me speak knows that I love to talk about my “Orange Angel Sign”.  The Angels have a great time sending me this colour sign; it seems to be ongoing and quite hilarious at times.  It usually occurs when I am being really creative (which I have been in the past few weeks) and usually indicates to me that I need to increase this coloured energy into my auric field to sustain and boost my creative streak.  As you will know orange is not my favourite colour; therefore I tend not to wear it in clothes or jewellery; however I do now try to wear a shade of orange that I feel more comfortable with ie tangerine.
The day that I found my winner of the Angel Altar competition was a significant ‘orange day’.  Wendys Angel Altar picture was the first of three significant ‘Orange ‘colour signs within a few hours.  The first thing I noticed when I saw her altar was the stunning plate which had a large orange circle in the middle of it; my first impression was what a ‘beautiful’ plate & look at its orange center.  Following  this I went down the street to buy my ‘beautiful’ niece Stephanie a birthday present.  After choosing my gift I took it to the counter and watched as it was wrapped in ‘orange‘ tissue paper thinking the whole time; surely they have another colour; what are they thinking!!!.  I have to admit that after it was wrapped I thought  it looked ‘beautiful’.  When I returned home I checked my emails and to my surprise there was an email there for me from an old friend.  It was a video about butterflies and friendship.  My friend wrote ” the orange butterfly at the end reminded me of you!!!!!!”  OK Angels I get it.  Following this I headed for my underwear draw; time for the orange briefs!!!!

special-gifts-PAISB-sm2 New Butterfly gifts    special-gifts-PAISF-sm2 Purple Butterfly

Till next time Angel Blessings



Angel Altar:- Wendys Sacred Space

Following on from my blogs on Angel Altars; I would like to announce that *Wendy* is the winner of my newsletter Angel Altar competition.  Wendy has graciously given me permission to share a picture of her Angel Altar and her explanation of her precious items that she has placed on it.


Wendy writes:- “I love to do my daily Angel Feather reading at my altar and display my ‘cards for the day’ on my dear Dad’s treasured clock.  I have a beautiful ‘Protector Angel’ as the centerpiece, she just glows when I have my candles lit.  All of the silverware has been passed down through my family. Both of my parents have passed, so the silverware, small angels and clock are treasures from them. The wooden rainbow is significant because my sister, cousins and I often get rainbows ‘sent’ to us at special times. The glittery snowflake has the word LOVE worked into its design. It reminds me to try fill all I do with love. I have two crystal lotus tealight candles and a beautiful little Autumn leaf shaped plate with the word ‘GRATEFUL’. These are all things given to me from beautiful people in my life. The large mirrored plate was a special gift from my husband and was given to me at the same time I found my ‘Protector Angel’;  they just seemed meant for each other. The most lovely thing about my alter is the feathers which are attached to the wings of my Angel. I have a three year old who finds all sorts of feathers and every time says ‘Look what the Angels have given us! Thank you Angels!’ ( She has learnt a LOT from my sister and I! Hahaha). Clementine always carries those feathers to the Angel and adds them to our Angel’s wings (with the help of a large dob of blu tac!). She decides which to take away (so our Angel doesn’t get too many feathers!) and blows those into the wind-just gorgeous

Thank you so much Wendy.
To see my Angel Feather Oracle on your Altar bought a tear to my eye!!!   As discussed your prize is on its way. xxxx

If you too have an Angel Altar to share please email:- mi******@ao*****************.com

Till next time, Angel Blessings


The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck

It is with much excitement that I finally present my first major writing project.  In my blogs and newsletters I have mentioned that I have been working on an ‘Angelic Project’ for some time. It has finally come to fruition and I would like to present to you:-

    “The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck”

             angel-oracle-cards-AFO-sm Buy now         angel-feather-oracle-AFO2-sm

The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck brings you 44 different Coloured Feathers along with associated messages from your Angels.  The deck comprises a beautiful combination of ‘Colour Energy’ and ‘Angelic Guidance’.  The deck is accompanied by a guidebook that assists you with performing and interpreting your Angel Feather readings.  It provides additional meanings for each Coloured Feather along with an associated affirmation.



Examples of three of the feather cards. Connect with your Angels Buy Now
The cards are beautifully gold bound and can be used in conjuntion with other Angel Oracle card decks.

Use this deck daily to connect with your Angels for guidance and to incorporate the coloured energy required to enhance your day.  A unique feature of this deck is that it has three cards that will give you a definite answer from your Angels; Yes, No & Maybe.  You are able to ask your question then read just with the three cards if you chose.
May this deck bring you Angelic guidance and many Angel Blessings. May you feel the love that the Angels & I have poured into this deck.
Please pass onto your friends



Double Rainbow Tree

The Double Rainbow nature sign is an Angel sign that is being presented frequently to me at the moment from the Angels.  I received a beautiful email from a friend with this sign last week so I thought that I would share it with you all.  As I have explained before the double rainbow is a sign from the Angels of a “Special Blessing”.  It doesn’t matter how this sign is presented to you; either in the sky or in the form of a picture; the significance is still the same.
The message seems particularly relevant as Valentines day visits us, so the Angel message to you may be from the words or from the picture or both.
The message above the picture read:-

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let you down probably will.  You will have your heart broken more than once and it’s harder every time.
You’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You’ll fight with your best friend.  You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh to much, and love like you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you’ll never get back.
Don’t be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

rainbow- tree-picture

Author & Photographer Unknown. (Thank you Kathy).

Understanding a visual Angel message such as the picture above.
The following are some symbolic interpretations that an be related to the rainbow tree picture:

The Double rainbow:- A Special Blessing
The Tree:- symbolic of the basic structure of our inner lives.  The tree spiritually symbolises the ‘Tree of Life’ & represents the union of heaven, earth & water.  When we learn to understand our own tree, we are able to live life successfully on all levels.
Branches on a tree:- signify stages of growth that we go through.
The Road:- suggests an individual’s way forward, the road also reflects the way of doing.  If a particular stretch of road is highlighted; as in this picture, it is significant of a period of time.
Turns in the road:- indicate changes in direction.

So I hope that you can see just how many things the Angels may be telling you through one small picture.  What will be deciphered by one person may be totally different to someone else as the message will be intended for the individual and what is happening in your life at the present time.  The Angels are always trying to reassure us and are constantly around to guide us on our path.
It just takes practice in observing & interpreting the signs we receive.

Wishing you all a wonderful month of love & hope you had a beautiful Valentines Day.
Never forget that your Angels love you eternally.
Special Angel Blessings full of Love


Rainbow Clouds

The Rainbow Angel Sign continues to present in the sky.  If you have been following my blogs you would be able to imagine how excited I was to open the local paper and see the most beautiful picture that was sent in by a lady from Murchison.  The headline read” ‘Rainbow cloud’ a unique sight.”  I would love to know the time that the picture was taken because the interpretation of the number would have significance to the meaning of the sign for those who were fortunate enough to view it.  How wonderful that this lady chose to share this beautiful work of God.  Through her generosity and most definitely guidance from above this sign has been presented to many many more people but just in a different format. Eventhough the picture of the ‘rainbow cloud’ is in a newspaper the sign is just as significant to those who took notice.

The article went on to describe a short interview from a spokesperson from the Bureau of Meteorology who referred to the rainbow cloud as a Parhelion or “Sundog”.  I would love to know if this person actually viewed the photo.  Of course this lead me to do more research on the subject.  I found an interesting website which I would encourage you to look at which has many awesome photos on it with corresponding descriptions.
This site describes different coloured cloud formations such as the parhelion, corona, glory, circumzenithal arc, circumhorizon arc & iridescent clouds.  I am certainly no expert but to me the photo in the paper corresponded to the photo of ‘iridescent clouds’ on this website not a sundog.

The actual cloud shape of the picture in the newspaper appeared to me to look like a pair of wings; truly Angelic.  Therefore a beautiful Angel Blessing for those who saw it.  At Christmas time we are reminded of our Angel Guides frequently both visually with Christmas decorations such as Angels on our trees, on Christmas cards and through music in Christmas Carols. Despite all these obvious signs the Angels are doing their best to let us know that they are near and care for us dearly so keep your eyes open for the next sign that is delivered personally to you; maybe in the sky.
aok-greeting-card-AB2B-sm AOK Blank Greeting Card    angel-gift-WING1-sm Delicate Angel Wings

PS:- Remember that the Angels love us to laugh.  Just today I was driving with my eldest son to do some Christmas shopping.  We were chatting away about his cousin coming over to play in a special cricket match with my youngest son next week. I said “it should be really good!!”  honestly as the words came out of my mouth a car drove past us and the number plate was no joke “GOODIE”.  We both saw it & just burst out laughing.  To note we had a lovely day.

PSS:- May all your clouds have rainbows or a silver lining. Angel Blessings at Christmas


Rainbow and Butterfly Angel Sign:- Beyond Words

I would like to introduce readers to a lovely website which may prove to be helpful for anyone who is grieving:-   Aileen Waits’ website promotes a book she co-wrote with Lea McDonald. Their book/journal is aptly called “Beyond Words” and features of course a beautiful rainbow and butterfly on the front.  This journal is designed to help people through their grief by providing a sacred place for wonderful memories to be stored.  “Beyond Words” is dedicated to Aileens daughter Zoe who joined the Angels in 2004.
I have been talking with Aileen over the past few months about her website and was very excited to check it out myself just last week.  You can imagine what I said when I saw the cover of Aileens book:-  Of course it has a rainbow on it!!!  If you have been reading my blogs you will see that the Angels have had me write about rainbows for some time now; even my last blog featured a picture of an ‘Earth Bound Rainbow’.  The synchronicities with the Rainbow sign just keep coming.

aok-angel-crystal-card-BFCC1-sm BUY NOW                  aok-angel-crystal-card-BFCC4-sm BUY NOW

The butterfly is a beautiful ‘Angel Nature Sign’.  I believe that my father has been sending me butterflies for years now; he passed in 1985 when I was 22.  Every time I see a butterfly I instantly think of my wonderful father and feel him close to me.  The butterfly is a nature sign that has many meanings including:- renewal & rejuvenation, the ability to bounce back form disappointments & setbacks and also a wonderful transformation of spirituality.  The butterfly stands for metamorphosis, beauty, grace, balance and symbolises the human soul.
I would like to wish Aileen many Angel blessings as she continues her work with those who are grieving.  I encourage you all to support her work by buying “Beyond Words” for yourself or someone who may benefit from it.  Check out her website

Till next time notice all the rainbows and butterflies the Angels send you.

Angel Blessings


Earth Bound Rainbow

Yesterday I was sent the most amazing photo in an email which was entitled “Earth Bound Rainbow”.  Thank you Kathy.  I thought that I would share it with you all because it is just so beautiful.  I hope you can see the rainbow sitting across the top of the water of the fountain.  The Angels are certainly working with the rainbow colour spectrum at the moment.  They are filling peoples lives with beauty at every opportunity & showering us with blessings.

image016161615161512[1] earth bound rainbow

Tomorrow I will be exhibiting at “The Wholistic Festival of Life” Expo at the Hungarian Community Centre; 760 Boronia Road Wantirna.  Melway ref: Map 63 Ref:F5.  The expo is on from 10am till 5pm.  I will be speaking about Angel Signs & Synchronicities at 2.30pm in the front foyer for approximately half an hour; so hope to see you all there.  If you have had a repeated Angel Sign I may be able to help you interpret it.  I have some truly beautiful Angel & crystal gifts for you to look at just in time for Christmas; my favourite time of the year!  Please pass this information onto all your friends in the Wantirna area.  Angel Blessings



Rainbow photo:- Angel Sign

Rainbow Photo:-

Just a quick addit to yesterdays Angelic Answer regarding the double rainbow seen in a local newspaper photo.  Today I opened up another local newspaper and on the second page is a photo sent in by a man of the most awesome rainbow above a regional milk factory.  This mans actual words written below read “It is to be hoped that this rainbow shining on the milk factory is a lucky one, and that it can bring good luck and a price rise for dairy farmers!”
Therefore this is the second photo of a rainbow in two days in two local newspapers, both having specific regard to farmers.  The Angels are certainly with the rural community at present.
Angel Blessings



Double Rainbows- Angel Sign

Angel Sign:- Double Rainbows

The Angels are bringing me back to talk about rainbows again, so obviously this is an important topic to cover at this moment in time.  I have had many delightful emails from people over the past few weeks telling me of their experiences of sighting this most awesome sign.  Just this last week I have had an email from a beautiful man telling me about the most spectacular ‘circular’ rainbow he sighted in the sky whilst he was as passenger on a plane flying over America. What a blessing to view such a magnificent creation in the sky.  I refer to the rainbow as one of many ‘nature signs’the Angels deliver from above.  In my own discussions with the Angels they inform me that we are about to view many more spectacular rainbows such as double rainbows, different shaped rainbows and also we may start to see some unusual colours within rainbows.
Just this morning I received this magnificent sign again but it wasn’t delivered in the sky!  I opened our small local newspaper and as I turned a page in a section called the country news which is obviously about farming and the land, here was an add from the City of Greater Shepparton.  It had a photo in it which was of a dry paddock with two trees in it. One tree has no foliage left on it and in the background sky is a double rainbow!!  The message written on the photo is:- Ask for help and support yourself, your family and your community.  Underneath the photo is information about assistance available for drought affected families and communities. The Angels are certainly watching over those affected by the drought and know that it is through enduring the hardest of times that we develope spiritually but their message is clear here; they know that country people don’t like to ask for help but they are urging them to. Even if making a call to one of these agencies is too difficult then please call in your Angels or ask for an Earth Angel to show up with the assistance you require.

angel-gift-APFA4-sm New product

The newspaper photo is an example of how the Angels can deliver the same sign but in a different format.  The rainbow sign was then repeated for me prior to writing this.  I was walking up the passage and saw rainbow colours on the wall from light radiating through the front doors glass side panel.
If you have had a repeated rainbow sign please tell people about it through the comments below and of course drop me an email too if you like. Till next time wishing many Angel blessings



Radiating The Colours Of The Rainbow:-Archangel Raziel

If you have received the ‘Rainbow’ as a repeated ‘Angel Sign’ recently then it is possible that it is time for you to connect with Archangel Raziel.  This beautiful Archangel radiates all the colours of the rainbow.  His name means “Secret of God”.  Raziel is said to work very closely with the Divine and therefore it is believed that he has a deep knowledge and understanding of ‘the secrets’ and ‘magic’ of the universe.  Raziel can assist you by elevating your spiritual understanding of concepts related to ancient wisdom such as sacred geometry, sacred scripts and laws for manifestation.  He also can assist to increase your psychic abilities on all levels.  Call Archangel Raziel to enter your dreams whilst you sleep and also prior to your meditation sessions, it is during these times that he will deliver ancient wisdom to you. Also call on him if you are working on manifesting something particular into your life, he will assist you to follow your Divine guidance.   Archangel Raziels related crystal is the‘Clear Quartz Crystal ‘ which of course radiates rainbow rays, it may assist you to connect with him if you hold a piece of quartz as you meditate.

aok-angel-crystal-card-CC902-sm  Buy Now

Till next time, know that when the sky is filled with beautiful rainbows there are many Angels around you!!  Angel Blessings
