Chaplet of Saint Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel appeared to Antonia d’Astonac, a most devout Servant of God, and told her that he wished to be honored by nine salutations corresponding to the nine Choirs of Angels, which should consist of one Our Father and three Hail Mary’s in honour of each of the Angelic Choirs of God.
How to Pray:
O God, come to my assitance. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father etc. (Say one Our Father and three Hail Mary’s after each of following nine salutations in honor of the nine Choirs of Angels.
1. By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Serephim my the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect charity. Amen.
2. By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubium may the Lord grant us the grace to leave the ways of sin and run in the paths of Christian perfection. Amen.
3.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones may the Lord infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen.
4.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominians may the Lord give us grace to govern over our senses and overcome any unruly passions. Amen.
5.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues may the Lord preserve us from evil and falling into temptation. Amen.
6.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers may the Lord protect our souls against the snares of temptation. Amen.
7.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities may God fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen.
8.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels may the Lord give us perserverance in faith and all good works in order that we may attain the glory of Heaven. Amen.
9.By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted in the life to come to Heaven. Amen.
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May Archangel Michael go before you and yours in love and protection always.