MBS Festivals Sydney and melbourne november 2011

MBS Festival

Sydney MBS: Exhibiton Centre Darling Harbour. 3rd – 6th November.

Sydney Seminar with Michelle: Creating your own Sacred Angel Altar. Saturday November 5th. Seminar A.  4.30-5.30pm Come and say hello at the AOK Angels stand: E81  Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Feel free to print off this half price ticket offer:-   Half%20Price%20Ticket%20-%20Syd%20Nov.pdf

Melbourne MBS: Exhibtion Centre. 18th – 20th November.

Melbourne Seminar with Michelle: Creating your own Sacred Angel Altar. Saturday November 19th.  Seminar B. 4.30-5.30. Come and say hello at the AOK Angels Stand: D01. Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Feel free to print off this half price ticket offer:- Half%20Price%20Ticket%20-%20Melb%20Nov.pdf

Hope to see you all there.  Angel Blessings



Warragul New Age Expo Universal Insights:- 31st July

I will be attending the Universal Insights New Age, Healing & Psychic Expo on Sunday the 31st of July at the West Gippsland Arts Centre Warragul.  Corner of Albert & Smith streets Warragul. From 10am till 5pm.  Come along and see the beautiful selection of Angel Products, meditation CD’s & crystals that I will have on my stall.  I will personally sign an Angel Feather Oracle Card for all those who purchase my deck on the day.  Tell a friend : AOK Angels
angel-oracle-cards-AFO-sm  Combination of Angel & Colour Therapy
Look forward to meeting all the wonderful people from Gippsland.



Eltham New Age Expo Sunday 24th July Universal Insights

Sunday 24th July 10am-5pm:- New Age Expo.
801 Main Road Eltham. Eltham Community Centre.

I am hoping to be speaking tomorrow, my talk will be on:- Creating Your Own Sacred Angel Altar. I have some awesome photos & some gorgeous tiny clear quartz point clusters that were specially chosen for this work. An Earth Angel helped me choose just the right clusters for this work; it was one of those meetings that was orchestrated by the Angels. I also have some sensational Angel Scent Candles hand made by the beautiful Kirsten specifically for your Angel Altar; she has made a candle specifically at my request called ‘Floral Patchouli’; patchouli is the sent that attracts Angels!.

So get down to Eltham and have a look at these gorgeous things that I have put together specially. Hope to see you there:- Tell a friend : AOK Angels
Angel Blessings


The Wholistic Festival of Life Expo Melton July 17th 2011

Hope to see you tomorrow at the Wholistic Festival of Life Expo at Melton.  From 10 am till 5pm at the Melton Community Centre; 232 High Street Melton.  Come & say hello and get a message from your Angels when you choose an Angel Feather Oracle Card.  I will personally sign all copies of my Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book on the day.  My stall is A4 in the foyer of the Community Centre you won’t miss us; lots of Angels & beautiful crystals. From Doreen Virtue’s numbers book message for the number 4:- ” Angels are with you.  Call upon them for help, guidance, and feelings of love & security.”  All these things will be available at my stall tomorrow.  I have just received a transcendent Angel Sign so its going to be a great day. Hope to see you tomorrow.  Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Angel Blessings



Workshop by Michelle Newton of AOK Angels Sydney Mind Body Sprirt Festival 4th November 12.00-1.00pm & Book launch The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book

Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck    I am getting ready for a busy and exciting November with two MBS Festivals, Sydney & Melbourne.  The Angels work in mysterious ways!!  Initially there was no room at the inn so to speak; next thing you know I have been blessed with a workshop in Sydney on Thursday 4th of November from 12.00- 1.00 pm Seminar B.   Thankyou Angels.  I am so looking forward to spending an hour with the beautiful Sydney folk to talk about Angel signs and to give you some tips on how to interpret the signs you are receiving.  Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Everyone who attends the workshop will receive a card to keep from the Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck.

This is the first time that I will be exhibiting in Sydney and I am so looking forward to it.   I will have a change in my team bringing along my gorgeous sister Sharon and my husband Bert.  Marg will rest up for Melbourne and be ready to meet all our old customers there with me on November 19th.  Come and say hello to us at the AOK Angels Stand E81 easy to find right across from my dear friend Michael of Brumby Books just head towards the music.  Angelic I’m sure Michael !!!

I will have the most beautiful array of Angel products including Angel Gifts, Angel Jewelery, Books, Angel Greeting Cards, Christmas Cards, Crystal Angel Cards plus lovely range of Crystal Tumble Stones and Crystal Jewelery at very reasonable prices just in time for Christmas.

I will also be personally signing all copies of my ‘Angel Feather Oracle’ plus I will be releasing my new book ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book’.  I have a wonderful special for both of these items; usually they both retail for $29.95 each.   MBS Sydney & Melbourne Special $25.00 each.

                 Companion- Book-AFOCB  Buy now 

Please don’t forget to tell all your friends about my seminar (Thursday 4th November 12.00 – 1.00 pm, Seminar B:- Angel signs & synchronicities; how to interpret them.) and the half price ticket offer from AOK Angels. Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Hope to see you all in November at the Sydney MBS Sydney Exhibition Centre Darling Harbour Thursday 4th November – Sunday 7th November from 10am – 7pm each dayStand E81.

Angel Blessings Always



‘Angel’ Angel Signs or Transcendent Angel Sign:- Angel Tattoo.

Firstly hello after quite sometime to my dear readers.  I must apologise for not posting a blog for some time but I have been extra busy with the production of my new book which I will be releasing in November more information to follow soon.

In a previous blog I have written about  ‘Angel’ Angel Signs (Transcendent Angel Signs). These are one of the more advanced signs that the Angels deliver us.  In the past I have received these signs when I have been under extreme stress or at a time of distress.  This sign involves receiving a visual or verbal que of an ‘Angel’.  Examples being; looking up at the TV to see someone making Angel biscuits, opening a magazine to find an article about Angelic experiences and a picture of an Angel, someone wearing an Angel pin, someone using an Angel pen, a child wearing a t-shirt with Angel on the front, seeing an Angel candle or someone coming up and saying “Hi my name is Angel”.  When I have experience this type of Angel sign in the past in times of great stress it always is always associated with a wave of serenity and peace; plus a knowing that everything would be AOK.

Recently however I have been receiving this sign directly after finishing my workshops at each of the new age expos.  As this didn’t fit with my previous experience of the sign I have been paying close attention following each talk to see what happens next.  In my last workshop I was actually telling the audience about this sign and mentioned that I was now experiencing it in a totally different way i.e. following my Angelic talks.  I also mentioned to the audience that my Transcendent sign is often delivered by someone who has not even been at my talk.

Following my talk at the last expo I went back down to my stall and completely forgot about it which is often what happens and then just like  ‘Angel’  there it is right in front of me!!
Well this day it was a little different.  I had a man walk up to my stall; he stood near the Archangel books that I was selling, specifically he looked at the Archangel Michael book and then he looked at me and proceeded to say “I have an Angel on my side!”  I just looked at him a little bemused and then watched as he lifted his jeans up to show me the most beautiful Archangel Michael tattoo on his lower leg.  I was just amazed. I asked him if he had been at my talk and he said “no what talk?”  I then told him the whole story; took a photo of his tattoo with his permission and of course thanked him for delivering my ‘Archangel’ Angel Sign!!!
I seems now that the ‘Transcendent Sign is being delivered to me to say a special “well done keep up the Angel work!”  It also seems that the Angels are extending my knowledge of this type of sign and here we are now there is another type of Transcendent sign the ‘Archangel’ Angel sign!!  On this day a special Angel sign to say we are protecting you in your work; Archangel Michael is with you! How wonderful, I was so so grateful.
angel-book-RWM3-sm Learn about Archangel Michael

Thankyou Peter for being my messenger that day.

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Have you ever been on a mission to fix what seems to be one problem after another?  Well this has been the storyline of my past few months.  None the less I am happy to report that I have managed to soldier on slowly getting on top of things as they present.  As Dr Wayne Dyer says “There’s a solution to every problem!”.  With this in mind I would love to share a little true story that unraveled the other day.  My dear friend Marg & I were on our way down to Melbourne in the car on one of my recent  ‘solution drives!’  Marg is the first to say “that she is not observant and never has been!”; however I think that she has been around me so long now that she is actually picking up a lot of signs that are delivered.  As we were driving Marg says “you really need one of those number books in the car you know!” and I agreed but have just never quite managed to attend to it.  With that Marg reads the car number plate directly in front of us which read …464  Next thing I know Marg excitedly says “Look at that, the same numbers!!!”  Another car drove up past us in the second lane so that we were looking at two cars with exactly the same numbers side by side in front of us i.e. …464      …..464  Both the cars stayed together for quite some time it was quite amazing.  I have asked the Angels about this and they call it a ‘duplicate number sign’.  Of course this sign is amplified as it is presented twice and at the same time.  I couldn’t wait to get home to look up the meaning.  The meaning read:- “The Angels assist you with the human steps to take in this situation.  Move forward in trust” ( From Doreen Virtues Angel Numbers 2005)  If only I did have the book in the car at the time I would have known that the drive was going to render one issue solved.  The story continues: On arriving home that night Margs daughter came around to see me as she had been doing some reading for me.  I told her the story about the number plates.  As I told her she just looked so shocked.  She said “I think you had better come outside!”  There in the driveway was her car and you guessed it her number plate …..464!!!  I took a huge sigh of relief and knew that all would be A.O.K

angel-book-DVAN101-sm  A must have buy now

Angel Blessings
