Angel Altar:- Wendys Sacred Space

Following on from my blogs on Angel Altars; I would like to announce that *Wendy* is the winner of my newsletter Angel Altar competition.  Wendy has graciously given me permission to share a picture of her Angel Altar and her explanation of her precious items that she has placed on it.


Wendy writes:- “I love to do my daily Angel Feather reading at my altar and display my ‘cards for the day’ on my dear Dad’s treasured clock.  I have a beautiful ‘Protector Angel’ as the centerpiece, she just glows when I have my candles lit.  All of the silverware has been passed down through my family. Both of my parents have passed, so the silverware, small angels and clock are treasures from them. The wooden rainbow is significant because my sister, cousins and I often get rainbows ‘sent’ to us at special times. The glittery snowflake has the word LOVE worked into its design. It reminds me to try fill all I do with love. I have two crystal lotus tealight candles and a beautiful little Autumn leaf shaped plate with the word ‘GRATEFUL’. These are all things given to me from beautiful people in my life. The large mirrored plate was a special gift from my husband and was given to me at the same time I found my ‘Protector Angel’;  they just seemed meant for each other. The most lovely thing about my alter is the feathers which are attached to the wings of my Angel. I have a three year old who finds all sorts of feathers and every time says ‘Look what the Angels have given us! Thank you Angels!’ ( She has learnt a LOT from my sister and I! Hahaha). Clementine always carries those feathers to the Angel and adds them to our Angel’s wings (with the help of a large dob of blu tac!). She decides which to take away (so our Angel doesn’t get too many feathers!) and blows those into the wind-just gorgeous

Thank you so much Wendy.
To see my Angel Feather Oracle on your Altar bought a tear to my eye!!!   As discussed your prize is on its way. xxxx

If you too have an Angel Altar to share please email:- mi******@ao*****************.com

Till next time, Angel Blessings


AOK Angel of Kindness Altar

Angels of Kindness Altar

              angel altar
Above is an example of an Angel altar I prepared on my hallway dresser; I think its really beautiful!
This altar is set up as an AOK (Angels of Kindess) Altar. So I could set the intent that the Angels guide my business; or that the Angels guide people to the ‘Angels of Kindness Fund’ or that the Angels continue to assist me to become an Angel of Kindness on this earth.  The altar could also be set up purely as my small sacred place where I show the Angels how much I love having them around and with the intent that it remind me to connect with my Angels daily and to listen to their guidance!!

The theme for this altar is Angels and love.
 Angel figurine, Angels on the AOK letters, Angel wings dish, Angelite crystal egg (Crystal of the Angels), white feather.
Love:- pink roses, rose quartz heart in Angel wings dish, white candle with pink roses on the outside, rose quartz point behind affirmation magnet which is pink & white “I am a miracle“.
Other beautiful things that have meaning to me (this is an important point; things that are meaningful to you):- Clear quartz crystal tree, glass butterfly on candle plate, Angel holds a purple butterfly.  Plus a silver frame with butterflys on it that holds a picture of a double rainbow:- symbolic of special blessings to come.

If there is a specific altar you would like some ideas for make a comment below or send me an email mi******@ao*****************.com   If you have a picture of your own altar and would like to share it please send it to me; I would love to see it xxx. Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Till next time have fun creating your own sacred space for you and your Angels.
Angel Blessings Always


Creating an Angel Altar

An Angel Altar:-
Creating an Angel Altar is one of the most enjoyable ways to maintain close contact with your Angels.  As far as I am concerned there are no rules to follow and really its up to you to decide on the purpose and look of your altar.  Angels are naturally drawn to places of great beauty and love.   Along with beauty & love other aspects you may like to consider prior to setting up your altar are the theme & your intent for the altar, symbolism & promotion of energy.  Your altar can be set up purely as a reminder to yourself to connect with your Angels daily or it can be set up with a specific purpose in mind.  Your altar can be in full view of those in the house or it can be more private perhaps in your bedroom or study.  I actually have several altars set up in my study; each one I have set up with a different intent.  I set up altars and ask my Angel to assist me with my manisfesting projects.  Yes the intent used in setting up your altar is very important; usually I just have a broad intent and then leave the rest up to my Angels.  After all I would hate to limit the wonderful things the Angels are planning for me.
As I always say I am not a believer in rules with this type of work but I do have some suggestions to make which you can choose to use if you like.  The Angels love it when we are creative and this is an opportunity to get your creative juices flowing and make your altar a personalised work of art.  What ever you create the Angels will just love it!!!

For any Angel altar:-
A candle:- as my vermillion card says ‘light a candle and connect with Spirit’. One of the quickest ways to attract the Angels; light a candle and pray.
Aromatherapy & incense:- The Angels just love patchouli incense!!!
An Angel statue or figurine.
Crystals colour according to theme; points & pyramid shapes to boost the energy of the altar.
Flowers any but especially roses, colour according to intent.
Symbols specific to theme.
Pictures; either symbolic or photos of loved ones, Saints, Mother Mary, Our Lord.
Affirmations, prayers, a healing list , a letter to your Angels or an Angel Feather Oracle Card.
You may like to have a beautiful cloth as the base for your altar.

Your altar can be made for the Angels generally, or to a specfic Archangel, Saint or Ascended Master.  Themes can be many and varied; health, wealth, love, soulmate, family, friendship, success, buisness, school, happiness, creativity; and the list goes on.
Vary colours of candles and crystals according to the theme.   If you have a picture of your own altar and would like to share it please send it to me; I would love to see it xxx.
Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Till next time have fun making a beautiful sacred space for yourself and your Angels.
Angel Blessings Always



AOK Angels introduces Flowdreaming CD’s by Summer McStravick

AOK Angels proudly introduces Flowdreaming by Summer McStravick to Australia and is presently the only stockist of the Flowdreaming CD collection.
I have been an avid follower of Summer’s Flowdreaming for many years.  Many of you may have heard me talk about this program during my seminars.  I Flowdream daily, I love it, it’s easy and it works.  I have had great results manifesting using this technique.  I am very excited to finally make this great product available to you.  

Summer explains that “Flowdreaming is a powerful way to take up the art of manifesting.  Flowdreaming is a special technique that combines guided daydreaming with intense emotion as you access “the quantum manifestational ocean of consciousness”- “The Flow” – that underlies all of life.  All it takes is a few minutes each day & no experience with meditation is necessary.  The tracks are designed to lead you into an intense daydream- like “Flow” state form within which you create a mental conduit into higher states of mind, where you can create the healthy body and mind that you desire. When you are in your ‘Flow’ life flows in a general direction that is for your highest good & happiness.  When you fight against the current of your Flow, its just like swimming upstream – you encounter obstacles and frustrations in your life.  Things generally stop going your way.  With Flowdreaming you can guide yourself back into the natural, positive flow of your life.  Once you are in your ‘Flow’ you can manifest whatever you would like to have such as robust health, wealth, romance, creativity, success, employment and a serene mind”.

meditation-cd-FDM-sm   Buy now                  meditation-cd-FDPC-sm  Buy now

Affirmation Magnet:- I am going with the Flow  I made this magnet years ago and sent it to Summer; its my daily visual reminder to ‘Stay in my Flow’.

The Chinese believe that the Rabbit symbolises happiness and good fortune.  Have fun manifesting in the Year of the Rabbit 2011!!!

PS Thank you Summer for allowing AOK Angels to supply your wonderful CD’s to the beautiful people in Australia.

Angel Blessings Always
