Angelic Guidance; your questions answered

Two very similar and interesting questions from Kirsten & Anita regarding receiving Angelic guidance.  Kirsten asks “when going within to connect with our Angels for guidance, how do we ‘know’ we are receiving Angelic guidance and it’s not our own projections/mind answering?  In a similar vein Anita states “I haven’t heard my Angels speak!” and asks, “If an answer comes to me strongly in my mind is this the Angels answering me or is this me thinking?”  

Congratulations to both ladies for seeking Angelic guidance during quiet times and meditation.  When we first start to connect with our Angels it is very difficult to ascertain with clarity the difference between the regular chatter of our minds and downloaded Angelic guidance.  There are three main categories of psychic abilities which involve the human senses.  These are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) & clairsentience (clear feeling/sensing).  Some people have natural abilities in all areas whereas most will have a strong ability in one main area.  Clairvoyant people are going to easily use their third eye chakra and therefore be visual in meditation, clairaudients will hear messages much easier, whilst clairsentients will have strong emotional feelings and receive Divine information as a ‘knowing.’  One of the most important things you can do when commencing this wonderful journey is to decipher which area your strength lies in. The best piece of advice I can give you both is to join a local meditation group so that you can be guided by a meditation teacher; here your area of strength will be identified and with practice over time your usual mind chatter will decrease during meditation. Anita to answer your question you will only ‘hear’ your Guardian Angel if you are clairaudient & even if you were so, it takes a great deal of practice to actually clearly hear the messages.  All the same some important points to note here are that Angelic guidance is always loving, comforting and positive.  When the Angels do speak to us it’s not like having a normal speaking conversation with a family member.  I have found that messages delivered audibly  are usually short, to the point and often repeated over and over.  Meditation is a vital component to making contact and receiving guidance so please continue your efforts; everyone goes through the ‘I’m not sure about this stage’. Journal any information received even if it has no meaning at the time and then be observant for signs your Angels deliver during the day.  The Angels always deliver important signs in multiples.  In conclusion Angelic guidance is always available to us and the Angels applaud all efforts we make to connect with them.

Thank you, Anita and Kirsten.  Angel Blessings Always Michelle

For more information regarding Angel signs or synchronicities, please send questions to Michelle Email:-an****@th****************.com



Angels of Abundance

Angels of Abundance:-
It is during difficult times that we so need to contact our Angels.  Financially many people are struggling throughout the world at this present point in time.  The Angels are ready to support us through these times, all we have to do is ask for extra assistance whether this is with a flow of money to pay the bills or maybe a new employment opportunity.  I have used many simple techniques over the years to assist my flow of abundance.  One of these is to place Angel confetti on my bills, on the front and inside of my bank books and also inside my purse.  I also write affirmations on the front of my bank books along side the Angel confetti.  The Angel confetti is a visual sign that I am asking and placing the Angels with my finances.  I place both the confetti and the affirmation with my positive ‘intent’.  By doing this simple ritual my abundance has certainly improved & my husband even goes along without any question!  I also utilise the energy of crystals to assist my abundance flow.  I always have a small piece of citrine in my purse placed with the intent “that I will always have enough money in my purse for my needs”, a piece of citrine, aventurine and rose quartz in my wealth corner of my living room and also citrine in the container that holds the bills to be payed.  A piece of jade is also beneficial in your mail box.  The following is a short list of Angels to call on for specific needs regarding your finances:-
Barachiel:-can make sure you always have enough food on the table.
Chamuel:-can assist you when you are worrying about money.
Gabriel:-assists you to save money for a special purchase such as a house.
Isafel:-assists people in business.
Gagiel:-is the ‘Angel of prosperity’.

aok-affirmation-magnet-M811-sm Citrine Crystal Angel Card aok-affirmation-magnet-M825-sm Affirmation Magnet

Just to let you all know, I will be attending the Werribee ‘Peace & Harmony Spiritual Expo’ this weeked Sunday 16th of August, at the Wyndham Leisure Centre, 80 Derrimut Road Hopper Crossing from 10am till 5pm.  The following weekend on Sunday the 23rd August I will be exhibiting at the Healsville Healing & Psychic Expo; Healsville Memorial Hall, 235-237 Maroondah Highway from 10am-5pm.  I will be speaking both days on ‘Angel signs & synchronicities and how to interpret them.’  Hope to see you there. PS:-I have some beautiful new stock of crystals & Angel Products so tell your friends.

Angel Blessings


Different Types Of Angels

There are many different types of Angels; in fact there are 10 levels or phyla. These include Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Powers, Carrions, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones and the highest level of Angels the Principalities. All the Angels serve different purposes which I will discuss at a later date. Most people however are familiar with having a Guardian Angel and with the four commonly known Archangels:- Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Raphael, which is beneficial, however as you can see there are many more Angels to call on.

For me writing and reading about Angels is always so fulfilling. During these times I work with Archangel Gabriel. Know as the “Messenger Angel”. She works closely with those who communicate with others, writers, actors, journalists, teachers etc. She assists with areas of motivation and inspiration, helps with fears and procrastination, aids communication on all levels and helps one to express creative talents. Thankyou Archangel Gabriel. My thanks also to my teachers the Earth Angels Doreen Virtue whom I trained under to become an Angel Intuitive in 2005, Sylvia Browne and Richard Webster.


Extra Angels

In addition to your Guardian Angel, you are assisted by many other Angels also. Angels come to you to assist you with specific areas of your life for example with a new career or new relationship. Angels often come to you in groups, so it is not uncommon for people to have many Angels with them at one time. You are able to ask for as many Angels as you like, the more you ask the more help is given to you by the Angels. Please don’t worry however if someone close to you is not a believer in Angels they will still be surrounded by their Guardian Angel and others. There is nothing wrong with you asking that your loved ones are surrounded by Angelic love and protection.


Communicating With Your Angels

Talk with your Guardian Angel as if they were your best friend and ask for help when ever you need to, they never tire from hearing from you. Thank them for being with you and supporting you during the good and during the difficult times.

Teach your children how to pray to their Guardian Angel with this simple prayer:-

Angel of God my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, and rule and guide.
(Author Unknown).



What is a Guardian Angel?

Everyone has a Guardian Angel whether they are aware of this or not. The Guardian Angel is assigned to you at the time of your inception and will stay close by your side during your entire life time and at the time of your passing over to the other side. Your Guardian Angel knows all about you and totally understands all the plans you have laid out for this present life times’ journey. Your Guardian Angel is with you at all times helping you to keep your thoughts positive, praying with you and delivering your prayers to God, protecting you in times of danger and continually offering companionship , assistance and unconditional love.

Angel Blessings

