Angelic Guidance; your questions answered

Two very similar and interesting questions from Kirsten & Anita regarding receiving Angelic guidance.  Kirsten asks “when going within to connect with our Angels for guidance, how do we ‘know’ we are receiving Angelic guidance and it’s not our own projections/mind answering?  In a similar vein Anita states “I haven’t heard my Angels speak!” and asks, “If an answer comes to me strongly in my mind is this the Angels answering me or is this me thinking?”  

Congratulations to both ladies for seeking Angelic guidance during quiet times and meditation.  When we first start to connect with our Angels it is very difficult to ascertain with clarity the difference between the regular chatter of our minds and downloaded Angelic guidance.  There are three main categories of psychic abilities which involve the human senses.  These are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) & clairsentience (clear feeling/sensing).  Some people have natural abilities in all areas whereas most will have a strong ability in one main area.  Clairvoyant people are going to easily use their third eye chakra and therefore be visual in meditation, clairaudients will hear messages much easier, whilst clairsentients will have strong emotional feelings and receive Divine information as a ‘knowing.’  One of the most important things you can do when commencing this wonderful journey is to decipher which area your strength lies in. The best piece of advice I can give you both is to join a local meditation group so that you can be guided by a meditation teacher; here your area of strength will be identified and with practice over time your usual mind chatter will decrease during meditation. Anita to answer your question you will only ‘hear’ your Guardian Angel if you are clairaudient & even if you were so, it takes a great deal of practice to actually clearly hear the messages.  All the same some important points to note here are that Angelic guidance is always loving, comforting and positive.  When the Angels do speak to us it’s not like having a normal speaking conversation with a family member.  I have found that messages delivered audibly  are usually short, to the point and often repeated over and over.  Meditation is a vital component to making contact and receiving guidance so please continue your efforts; everyone goes through the ‘I’m not sure about this stage’. Journal any information received even if it has no meaning at the time and then be observant for signs your Angels deliver during the day.  The Angels always deliver important signs in multiples.  In conclusion Angelic guidance is always available to us and the Angels applaud all efforts we make to connect with them.

Thank you, Anita and Kirsten.  Angel Blessings Always Michelle

For more information regarding Angel signs or synchronicities, please send questions to Michelle Email:-an****@th****************.com



Angel Altar:- Wendys Sacred Space

Following on from my blogs on Angel Altars; I would like to announce that *Wendy* is the winner of my newsletter Angel Altar competition.  Wendy has graciously given me permission to share a picture of her Angel Altar and her explanation of her precious items that she has placed on it.


Wendy writes:- “I love to do my daily Angel Feather reading at my altar and display my ‘cards for the day’ on my dear Dad’s treasured clock.  I have a beautiful ‘Protector Angel’ as the centerpiece, she just glows when I have my candles lit.  All of the silverware has been passed down through my family. Both of my parents have passed, so the silverware, small angels and clock are treasures from them. The wooden rainbow is significant because my sister, cousins and I often get rainbows ‘sent’ to us at special times. The glittery snowflake has the word LOVE worked into its design. It reminds me to try fill all I do with love. I have two crystal lotus tealight candles and a beautiful little Autumn leaf shaped plate with the word ‘GRATEFUL’. These are all things given to me from beautiful people in my life. The large mirrored plate was a special gift from my husband and was given to me at the same time I found my ‘Protector Angel’;  they just seemed meant for each other. The most lovely thing about my alter is the feathers which are attached to the wings of my Angel. I have a three year old who finds all sorts of feathers and every time says ‘Look what the Angels have given us! Thank you Angels!’ ( She has learnt a LOT from my sister and I! Hahaha). Clementine always carries those feathers to the Angel and adds them to our Angel’s wings (with the help of a large dob of blu tac!). She decides which to take away (so our Angel doesn’t get too many feathers!) and blows those into the wind-just gorgeous

Thank you so much Wendy.
To see my Angel Feather Oracle on your Altar bought a tear to my eye!!!   As discussed your prize is on its way. xxxx

If you too have an Angel Altar to share please email:- mi******@ao*****************.com

Till next time, Angel Blessings


Creating an Angel Altar

An Angel Altar:-
Creating an Angel Altar is one of the most enjoyable ways to maintain close contact with your Angels.  As far as I am concerned there are no rules to follow and really its up to you to decide on the purpose and look of your altar.  Angels are naturally drawn to places of great beauty and love.   Along with beauty & love other aspects you may like to consider prior to setting up your altar are the theme & your intent for the altar, symbolism & promotion of energy.  Your altar can be set up purely as a reminder to yourself to connect with your Angels daily or it can be set up with a specific purpose in mind.  Your altar can be in full view of those in the house or it can be more private perhaps in your bedroom or study.  I actually have several altars set up in my study; each one I have set up with a different intent.  I set up altars and ask my Angel to assist me with my manisfesting projects.  Yes the intent used in setting up your altar is very important; usually I just have a broad intent and then leave the rest up to my Angels.  After all I would hate to limit the wonderful things the Angels are planning for me.
As I always say I am not a believer in rules with this type of work but I do have some suggestions to make which you can choose to use if you like.  The Angels love it when we are creative and this is an opportunity to get your creative juices flowing and make your altar a personalised work of art.  What ever you create the Angels will just love it!!!

For any Angel altar:-
A candle:- as my vermillion card says ‘light a candle and connect with Spirit’. One of the quickest ways to attract the Angels; light a candle and pray.
Aromatherapy & incense:- The Angels just love patchouli incense!!!
An Angel statue or figurine.
Crystals colour according to theme; points & pyramid shapes to boost the energy of the altar.
Flowers any but especially roses, colour according to intent.
Symbols specific to theme.
Pictures; either symbolic or photos of loved ones, Saints, Mother Mary, Our Lord.
Affirmations, prayers, a healing list , a letter to your Angels or an Angel Feather Oracle Card.
You may like to have a beautiful cloth as the base for your altar.

Your altar can be made for the Angels generally, or to a specfic Archangel, Saint or Ascended Master.  Themes can be many and varied; health, wealth, love, soulmate, family, friendship, success, buisness, school, happiness, creativity; and the list goes on.
Vary colours of candles and crystals according to the theme.   If you have a picture of your own altar and would like to share it please send it to me; I would love to see it xxx.
Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Till next time have fun making a beautiful sacred space for yourself and your Angels.
Angel Blessings Always



Angel Sign:- Abundance & “Golden Tongue Wisdom”

Our thought patterns & belief systems surrounding money are usually inground since childhood.  Over the years we unconsciously develop ideas around & about money. This is why changing our thought processes regarding money requires alot of work on our behalf.  Once you have committed to changing the way you think about money you are on your way, especially if you ask for the assistance of the Angels of Abundance.
Several years ago I made a conscious decision to improve my relationship with money. Following this I remember being in the car one day with my beautiful niece Stephanie; I was driving her home after watching her play netball.  She was sitting in the passenger seat looking in her purse.  We were chatting away when all of a sudden she pulled out a $10 bill, held it up and said to me “I just love money Michelle”.  Following this of course I explained that it was great to hear that because it was a wonderful thing to love money.  I thought about this little event later because instantly when she said that she “loved money” I couldn’t recall ever feeling like that at her age or infact have never actually felt that I loved money; my usual relationship with money was to worry about it:- mainly will I have enough to pay the bills etc.
When you make a decision to improve something in your life and you invite the Angels in to assist you this is when you must pay attention to their guidance.  Stephanies little statement is an Angel Sign which I refer to as “Golden Tongued Wisdom”.  This is Angelic Guidance delivered to you through another person.  The person has no idea of the impact of the statement they make to you, it just seemed relevant to them at the time.  This short statement made me reflect deeply on my belief systems regarding money.  I must admit that I work on the state of my abundance daily through affirmations, meditation and with visualisation techniques & it has improved dramatically; however I  still have a way to go as the worry often creeps in.  Money itself has no emotion at all, it is purely an energy which we can learn to connect with.

“Ask and it shall be given to you…..Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.” (Christ).

Not only is it important to ask but you also must know in your heart that whatever you have asked for is on its way and will be delivered in Angel time.

Other Angel Signs you may receive regarding money are “Material Signs” such as coins & money notes left on a footpath or somewhere in the house or car.  Also the number sequence 888 means prosperity is coming to you.  When you receive such signs always say “thankyou for this sign that abundance is coming into my life”.

Thankyou Stephanie & Thankyou Angels of Abundance.
To my readers may you always have great prosperity in your lives.  Namaste



Communicating With Your Angels

Talk with your Guardian Angel as if they were your best friend and ask for help when ever you need to, they never tire from hearing from you. Thank them for being with you and supporting you during the good and during the difficult times.

Teach your children how to pray to their Guardian Angel with this simple prayer:-

Angel of God my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, and rule and guide.
(Author Unknown).



What is a Guardian Angel?

Everyone has a Guardian Angel whether they are aware of this or not. The Guardian Angel is assigned to you at the time of your inception and will stay close by your side during your entire life time and at the time of your passing over to the other side. Your Guardian Angel knows all about you and totally understands all the plans you have laid out for this present life times’ journey. Your Guardian Angel is with you at all times helping you to keep your thoughts positive, praying with you and delivering your prayers to God, protecting you in times of danger and continually offering companionship , assistance and unconditional love.

Angel Blessings

