Amplified Number Sign:- Mirrored Magnification

Number signs that are delivered simulatanously, at the exact same time, always have amplified significance and are therefore of tremendous importance to the receiver:- another of my blogs on amplified signs gives an example of a duplicate car number plate.

Another type of an ‘Angelic Amplification’ of a number sign is called a ‘Mirrored Magnification’.
I received such a sign when I was in Adelaide for the Mind Body Psychic Expo.  Just after I received a Transcendent Angel Sign; the one I spoke about in my June newsletter; my husband and I walked across the street and there right in front of us was two cars parked side by side.

The numbers on the number plates were:-  880          088 respectively.  
These numbers are therefore presented in amplification like a ‘power sign’ really.  I instantly knew that it was about abundance because of the 8’s & felt an overwhelming sense of ‘its ok, & knew that I was going to do really well at the expo’ because that was what I was thinking about when I saw the sign.  Of course I couldn’t wait to look up Doreen Virtues numbers book to get my message.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- 880

“God is surrounding you with abundant blessings & miracles.  Enjoy them, as the Source loves to give”.

As you know the Angels are constantly downloading information to me that assists us all in in
interpreting our Angel Signs.  When I was in meditation I asked about the way this number sign was given to me and the Angels called it a “Mirrored Magnification”.  I then researched the symbolism of the Mirror.  The mirror symbolism alludes to ‘self realisation which reflects wisdom’.  The Angels have told me that “Spiritual Truth is always available to us & is often shown to us in a reflection or through reflection”.  This is very interesting to me & makes alot of sense because in nurse education there is now a definate emphasis placed on reflection in nursing and journaling.
angel-book-DVS1-sm Angel Signs  angel-book-UJ-sm unicorn journal

Till next time my advise is to get yourself a journal; a special one is great but an old exercise book can do just the same and start writing down the Angels signs that you receive.
The answers will then follow!!

Angel Blessings Always


Angelically Amplified Number Signs

Ask the Angels for help and it always arrives.  I was sitting here pondering what to write about today when a dear friend sent me an email informing me that she had received an email from me at 11:11 on the 29th which also translates to 2+9=11.  Not only did she receive my email but at that exact time, 11:11 received a total of 4 emails.  She realised the importance of what had just happened so she went and looked up my past blog on the number pattern 11:11 for some guidance.
Here we have an example of a Angel number sign ‘Amplification’.  The importance here is amplified x4.  Numbers with 4 in them are always specifically about Angels.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- number 4  
“Angels are with you.  Call upon them for help, guidance & feelings of love & security”.

So not only does she need to understand the relevance of the number sequence 11:11 a call to her as a light worker but they are really wanting her to know that they are ready & available to help with her life purpose.  So amplified signs are VIP; a must pay attention type of sign.
Just think about how many minor miracles were performed for this one sign to be delivered to her!!!
Looks like there is alot of candles about to be made Kirst xxxx
As you know every number has a meaning and the most wonderful tool that Doreen Virtue has gifted us is her numbers book; I highly recommend it.
angel-book-DVAN101-sm  Buy online in AOK Shop
PS The Angels can amplify any sign they deliver not only numbers.
So keep your eyes peeled!!

Angel Blessings Always.


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Have you ever been on a mission to fix what seems to be one problem after another?  Well this has been the storyline of my past few months.  None the less I am happy to report that I have managed to soldier on slowly getting on top of things as they present.  As Dr Wayne Dyer says “There’s a solution to every problem!”.  With this in mind I would love to share a little true story that unraveled the other day.  My dear friend Marg & I were on our way down to Melbourne in the car on one of my recent  ‘solution drives!’  Marg is the first to say “that she is not observant and never has been!”; however I think that she has been around me so long now that she is actually picking up a lot of signs that are delivered.  As we were driving Marg says “you really need one of those number books in the car you know!” and I agreed but have just never quite managed to attend to it.  With that Marg reads the car number plate directly in front of us which read …464  Next thing I know Marg excitedly says “Look at that, the same numbers!!!”  Another car drove up past us in the second lane so that we were looking at two cars with exactly the same numbers side by side in front of us i.e. …464      …..464  Both the cars stayed together for quite some time it was quite amazing.  I have asked the Angels about this and they call it a ‘duplicate number sign’.  Of course this sign is amplified as it is presented twice and at the same time.  I couldn’t wait to get home to look up the meaning.  The meaning read:- “The Angels assist you with the human steps to take in this situation.  Move forward in trust” ( From Doreen Virtues Angel Numbers 2005)  If only I did have the book in the car at the time I would have known that the drive was going to render one issue solved.  The story continues: On arriving home that night Margs daughter came around to see me as she had been doing some reading for me.  I told her the story about the number plates.  As I told her she just looked so shocked.  She said “I think you had better come outside!”  There in the driveway was her car and you guessed it her number plate …..464!!!  I took a huge sigh of relief and knew that all would be A.O.K

angel-book-DVAN101-sm  A must have buy now

Angel Blessings
