Connecting with Archangel Michael

What might a person do, after a period of satisfactory experiences with Archangel Michael cards, to develop their capacity for directly channelling the learning’s of an angel?   

Making a deep and personal connection with any archangel can be so empowering and prove to be a truly enlightening experience.  Connecting through angel oracle cards is a wonderful start but as with Graham some people feel the desire to connect on a deeper level to advance their spiritual development or to assist others with angelic information and teachings.  My new book Angel Altars: creating your own sacred space, which will be released in a few months, explains many different techniques that can be used to connect on a more personal level with your angels and archangels. Continue reading


Archangel Asariel

Archangel Asariel; the Archangel of Pisces.
Archangel Asariel is also know as Archangel Azariel. The meaning of Asariel is “Whom God has bound”.  The Patron Angel of Waters and governs the waters of the earth; the seas,oceans & the rivers.  The farmers is my area are now under extreme stress due to huge rainfall so maybe its time we all called on Archangel Asariel to assist!!!.
This Archangel brings many gifts to people including: intuition, intuitive wisdom, dreams, emotions, creativity & Spirituality.  Archangel Asariel also protects our inner emotional waters & projects unconditional love to us especially at times of emotional upset or imbalance.
(Especially for you Elise. My apologies your brother & friend do have a wonderful Archangel. xxx)


Radiating The Colours Of The Rainbow:-Archangel Raziel

If you have received the ‘Rainbow’ as a repeated ‘Angel Sign’ recently then it is possible that it is time for you to connect with Archangel Raziel.  This beautiful Archangel radiates all the colours of the rainbow.  His name means “Secret of God”.  Raziel is said to work very closely with the Divine and therefore it is believed that he has a deep knowledge and understanding of ‘the secrets’ and ‘magic’ of the universe.  Raziel can assist you by elevating your spiritual understanding of concepts related to ancient wisdom such as sacred geometry, sacred scripts and laws for manifestation.  He also can assist to increase your psychic abilities on all levels.  Call Archangel Raziel to enter your dreams whilst you sleep and also prior to your meditation sessions, it is during these times that he will deliver ancient wisdom to you. Also call on him if you are working on manifesting something particular into your life, he will assist you to follow your Divine guidance.   Archangel Raziels related crystal is the‘Clear Quartz Crystal ‘ which of course radiates rainbow rays, it may assist you to connect with him if you hold a piece of quartz as you meditate.

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Till next time, know that when the sky is filled with beautiful rainbows there are many Angels around you!!  Angel Blessings


Archangel Michael Saved Us!

As promised I will share my story of Archangel Michaels’ intervention in my life.  Last year my friend Marg and I had a huge day in Melbourne going to the gift fares. Our second stop after the melbourne exhibition centre was the melbourne showgrounds.  We couldn’t believe how many people actually went to the fare as this was our first time.  We had arranged to meet my mother and sister at the showgrounds after it finished as I was taking mum home, they had just come back from a few days away. This was far easier said than done. I had mapped out my route home from the show grounds however this was to turn pear shaped and to actually find my family turned into quite a nightmare.  The traffic was horrendous and just getting out of the showgrounds became extremely stressful.  We finally managed to get out and met my sister and mother at a petrol station nearby.  I gave mum the map as aIl my plans where now upside down and I wasn’t sure of how to find my way home.  My sister said that we should just follow her and she would show us the way.  I’ve done this before, when will I ever learn!  She is a city driver, need I say anymore!! We took off after her; the traffic was unbelievable for country folk. As you can imagine we soon lost her & had no idea where we were.  I thought we were maybe going in the right direction. I asked the Angels many times to help us. Finally we found the highway heading home and we all took a deep breath.  To our amazement the freeway was really quiet.  There were four lanes and we were going along quietly.  Up ahead and two lanes to the left of us was a large semitrailer carrying three huge rainwater tanks.  Then we experience the most surreal moment in time!  It was like time was actually slowed down.  I noticed that the strap on the last rainwater tank snapped.  Plastic flew off and the tank proceeded to come off the back of the semi.  It landed in the lane in front of us. I saw it, took a deep breath and slammed on the brakes.  Thankfully there was no other cars really anywhere around us.  No one in the car spoke, the rainwater tank should have then bounced straight onto my little car but it didn’t.  It was like someone intervened and stopped it in its path.  Its direction totally changed and it was like it was pushed straight across to the inside wall of the highway and thats where it remained out of anyones way.  As soon as we saw it miraculously change direction, Marg yelled “flatten it”, so I put my foot down just in case it bounced back towards us.  I looked back to see what the other cars behind me were doing and one negotiated an peice of plastic safely and all was well.  The semi driver didn’t even realise what had happened for a long time and kept going.  We were all left shaking.  The first thing I said was “was an Angel saved us” and my passengers agreed.  Given the speed and direction the tank was travelling there was no logical reason for it to stop as it did or follow the path it took.  I have no doubt that Archangel Michael intervened that night and we were all so grateful.
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Angel Blessings



Calling On Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is one of the most well known and called upon Angels.  He is known as the great protector and is often pictured holding a large sword. You can simply call on him anytime you feel that you or your loved ones need protection. Everyday when I drop my son off at school I say  “Michael go before him in love and protection”. I also say this every time any of us get into a car.  If time allows you can call on Archangel Michael and ask him to surround yourself or your loved one with his blue cloak of protection.  Visualise yourself or your loved one completely covered from head to foot, inside a beautiful cobalt-blue cloak.
Michael can also be called on when you need courage and strength.  He is able to release the effects of fear, giving you courage and backbone to follow your truth and fulfill your divine mission.  Call on him if you feel afraid or confused. Archangel Michael is the Guardian of the South and the Ruler of Fire.  He can assist you to break free of unwanted attachments, release blockages and lower vibrations that hold you back from being happy and serene.  He can assist you when you find yourself in any emotionally draining situation.  Michael will help you to handle the situation with less stress and if required will also help you to make any necessary life changes.
To maintain a close contact with Archangel Michael you can connect with him through prayer, meditation, lighting a gold candle on your alter or by wearing blue crystals such as kyanite or lapis lazuli or the purple crystal sugilite. Importantly don’t forget to thank him often for assistance.

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I have always felt a close connection to Archangel Michael and I hope that you too can develop a special bond with him.  In my next blog I will talk about a personal experience of Archangel Michaels intervention that kept me from harm.

Till next time Angel Blessings

