The Butterfly: Animal Angel Sign

I was thinking about angels a few days ago and when I got into the lift there was a white butterfly on the ground that was covered in silver sparkles. It must have fallen out of a flower arrangement. Could this have been an Angel sign? Regards Vicki with angel blessings

Serenity: Little things mean a lot 

Thank you so much Vicki, you have just provided a beautiful example of how the Angels communicate with us by delivering angel signs.  Your beautiful sparkling white butterfly was definitely a sign sent to you from the angels after a series of synchronistic events or small miracles arranged by your angels in response to you making a conscious connection with your angels.  The arrival of this ornamental butterfly into your life is the angels way of letting you know that they are with you and also very importantly, brings with it messages of guidance from your angels.   To many this angel sign may seem quite simple however it contains many different angel signs within it and important symbology that can be examined from which we can gain insight relating to the messages contained within. 

                The butterfly is the main sign presented and is a beautiful angel nature sign.  The fact that Vicki’s butterfly was presented in ornamental form is just as significant symbolically as a real butterfly.  The sign could also have been delivered in pictorial form in a book, magazine or email and also as a written word or spoken word such as in a song.   The symbology of the butterfly is very interesting and deep.   Given its impressive process of metamorphosis from egg to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the cocoon) and it’s the emergence from the cocoon as a stunning butterfly; one of the main symbols of the butterfly, therefore, is that of powerful transformation.  The butterfly has the courage to leave the safety of the cocoon in a completely new form.  The butterfly is delivered by the angels as reassurance that change and transformation does not have to be difficult.  The angels ask you to accept change by taking the opportunities that are presented and encourage you to walk through the doors they open.

                The butterfly is also a highly spiritual symbol of many religions and cultures with its symbology associated with the human soul, the spirit, renewal, rejuvenation, balance and reincarnation.  The butterfly’s acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of a deep unwavering faith.  When presented with a butterfly the angels are asking you to keep faith as these transitions in life unfold.  The angels are with you delivering extra support and love as you navigate a change and transition that will result in personal growth and happiness.

                The butterfly is also a symbol of joy, change and colour. The colour of Vicki’s butterfly is most important to look at to gain further understanding of the angel sign.  White is symbolic of new beginnings, purity, hope, faith, enlightenment, illumination, protection, calmness and perfection.  An extra special touch finds the butterfly sparkling with silver; not only was the purpose of this to catch Vicki’s eye but by using the silver colour the angels are saying “that they are lighting the way forward and protecting her on the way”.  Butterflies also have a sense of lightness and joy surrounding them and are also delivered by the angels as a reminder for us not to take ourselves so seriously.  Just as the butterfly joyfully flutters around; the angels ask us to keep moving.  It is very pertinent here to note that Vicki’s butterfly sign was delivered in a lift.  (How interesting, that she walked into a lift, a confined space which moves up and down to receive her angel sign!)  The lift is symbolic of ascension, elevation, free movement in two directions and rising easily.  Other meanings for the butterfly include beauty, grace and the ability to bounce back from disappointments and setbacks.

 May this information add more sparkle to your angel sign Vicki.   I so hope that you kept your special butterfly; please place it with love on your angel altar as a constant reminder that the angels will be right beside you throughout the changes ahead which are going to elevate you spiritually and bring you great joy.

 Angel Blessings



Angel Animal Sign: The Lady Bug

Animal Angel Sign: The Lady Bug
I have been asked by a fan of the page the significance of the lady bug after she saw two in a row. Thank you for your question Fiona. The lady bug is best known as a symbol of luck and love. Asian tradition believes that if a lady bug is caught and then released the ladybug will fly faithfully to your true love and whisper your name in their ear; then your true love will find their way to you. Farmers believe that the Lady bug is good luck because she controls aphids. Tradition also says that the number of spots on the ladybugs back is said to indicate the number of months before you wish of love comes true. Other meanings for the ladybug are delight & trust♥


Angel Sign: Animal Sign The Duck

Tonight as I walked I watched as a mother duck walk her 6 tiny little ducklings across the main street of town; yes they managed to all get across safely. She then walked them up the footpath; one was left behind, she turned the other five around and back she went to gather the slow one. Beautiful to watch motherhood in action ♥
Animal Angel Sign:
Symbolism of the duck: Fortunate journeys & long journeys.
The number 6:The number 6 relates to earthly materials, such as possessions, planetary issues and concrete tangibles. Be careful to balance thought or worries about the material with a focus and faith in the spiritual.
Other symbolism:mother protecting her children, guidance, a crossing made safely under guidance, family 
See More
May all your journeys be guided.  Angel Blessings


Angel Sign:- The Elephant

Its really no coincidence how I am lead to look into the meanings of certain signs & symbols.  A couple of weeks ago whilst waiting for an appointment in this beautiful lounge room one would have to be blind if they didn’t notice the owners love of elephants.  They were every where!!; on pillows, in pictures and as figurines.  This small room was full of elephants; little elephants and the feeling in the room was of fun and happiness.  As I sat on the couch and closed my eyes I could see and feel that the elephants would just jumped out of their picture, pillows and along with the figurines all came to life running around and around the coffee table.  I have friends who have an immense passion for elephants after falling in love with them overseas and I must admit I have given many elephant figurines as presents; yes with the trunks facing upwards for extra luck Sally!!  I started to think; as my house is full of Angels; do I actually have any elephant figurines?  Off I went in search.  Well yes; there on my kitchen shelves is my set of 4 gorgeous wooden coloured elephants; trunks facing down and I don’t care because they are just beautiful & next to them my little jade elephant that my sister gave me as a gift when she returned from overseas; thanks Louise.  So lets take a look at the meaning & symbolism behind these adorable big creatures.

The elephant is a huge animal with large ears and small eyes.  They are said to have magnificent memories & are very intelligent, hardly ever forgetting the places they have been and never repeat a path that has proven dangerous. (Hence the saying “An Elephant never forgets”)

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They live in groups like families and always defend, stand up for & look after each other ; therefore the elephant is a symbol of responsibility, loyalty & determination.  Elephants are obedient animals and are careful and calm most of the time; however if the leader of the group asks for a specific task to be done they will obey passing over anything in front of them.  They become insensible to fatigue or pain & it is practically impossible to stop an elephant responding to its masters call.  Elephants have a long life span and are therefore associated with longevity and are a symbol of overcoming death.  They also express advanced sensitivity particularly at the time of death of another.

In India the elephant has long been regarded as a symbol of Divine Wisdom.  Throughout the Orient the qualities the elephant are seen as longevity, self restraint, patience, endurance, strength & honor.  Additional symbolic meanings of stability, sovereignty, stead-fastness, power, triumph & victory has come from the elephants ability to aid in battle.  The Hindu God ‘Ganesh’ is pictured with an elephants head and is the God of good luck, fortune, protection, blesses new projects & bulldozes obstacles.   The birth of Buddha was said to be announced by a white elephant; white elephants are rare and are still thought to be a phenomenon of the Gods.
In Chinese symbolism the elephant is an icon of patience, chastity & temperance.  It is also considered a symbol of longevity, happiness & good luck.

special-gifts-PAISE-sm  Lucky elephant now available in the online shop.

So what does my little jade elephant mean for me?  Well my research revealed that Jade elephants symbolise the following; ability to strengthen the union of a romantic relationship, protection of the home, longevity, power, strength, wisdom, inspires intelligence, prominence & grants wishes.  And finally; yes its upturned trunk symbolises good fortune & happiness.
All sounds great to me; thanks Louise!!!!  On that note lets all make a wish!!!!
Till next time Angel Blessings


Angel Signs: Animals: The Rabbit, The Deer & The Dove

Angel Signs:-
The Rabbit, the Dove, the Deer, the Basket, the Apple & the Grape.

Christmas-angel-798216 (Author of picture unknown)
During my seminars at Sydney & Melbourne I was talking about a repeated animal sign ie: the rabbit that I have been receiving off and on for many years.  Around about 5 years ago one evening I drove down to my sons school to pick him up from the bus.  He had been to Melbourne with the school; it was about 11.30 at night.  On our way home we both watched with amazement as a rabbit came from no where and hopped along the road in front of us for quite a long way up the street; coming to a T intersection the rabbit turned in the direction we were taking and proceeded to hop along the street for some time.  It was enough time for us both to question our sanity!!!
When I arrived home I checked my emails as I always do before bed to find that I had been sent an email with the above picture in it.  Two rabbit signs within minutes!!  Look closely there are three rabbits in the picture so maybe it was actually four rabbit signs within minutes!!!!!!
Well just the other day the same picture showed up again; no mistake I am sure & pay attention I must.  Of course every sign delivered will mean something different to each person depending on what is happening in your life.
Lets have a look at some of the meanings for the different signs contained here in this picture.
*The picture is of an Angel so it is an Advanced Sign a ‘Transcendent Sign’ or (An Angel Angel Sign) therefore: VIP.
The Rabbit:- 
cute, harmless, alertness, faithful, nurturing & trustworthy.  Magical; a tendency to float off into childlike fantasies.  Something multiplying and expanding at a rapid rate.  Quiet endurance of one’s pain. Fertility.
The Dove:- 
Peace, love, tenderness, gentleness, kindness, Divine inspiration, longevity, calm after a storm & fertility.
The Deer:- Someone very dear to you, trust, wealth, gentleness, longevity, kindness, purity of purpose, meditation, walking in the light & love.
The full basket of fruit
:- Abundance.
The Apple:- Love, fruitfulness, temptation, new beginning & Spiritual yearning.
The Grape:- Celebration, fun, laughter, creativity, wisdom & immortality.

We could also take note of the numbers of each animal and what each animal is doing plus the colours in the picture.  There’s alot happening here!!
For all those who attended my seminars; “I wonder if there is a fig in that basket!!!!”
Till next time.  Angel Blessings
