“An Angel Saved My Life”

Our angels stand by us closely, guiding and comforting us throughout our lifetimes. Everyone, even those who don’t believe in Angels have a Guardian Angel dedicated to assisting them.

When we become aware of the Angelic realm and make the decision to connect with our Angels on a regular basis, they are then able to provide increased assistance. The Angels love to give us extra attention.

When we ask for their help, they are then able to provide further assistance to us by sending increased signs that guide us to easier paths. Also, when we summon extra assistance from the Angels, they are able to work behind the scenes to smooth our way by removing obstacles and diffuse potential problematic situations.

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Online Masterclass Series: ‘How Angels Talk to You’. Unlocking the Secret Language of the Angels

Masterclass ‘How Angels Talk to YOU’

😇 Unlocking the Secret language of the Angels! 😇


BOOK HERE: http://michellenewten.com/product-category/masterclass

I am so excited to announce my new 4-week masterclass series titled: ‘How Angels talk to you!’ I have been studying and researching this topic for many years and have some fabulous photos to share with you in our lessons. I have found that the way Angels talk to us is quite fascinating. They deliver many and varied Angel signs to us every day but the fact is that we miss most of them. This masterclass series will examine in depth the many and varied signs that the Angels send us, from the most simple white feather to the most complex series of sequences. I will discuss many advanced signs and synchronicities that you may have never heard of before such as transcendent signs, epiphany, serendipity and parallel lives. With this fabulous knowledge, you will be able to understand the messages that your Angels send you. We will heighten your observation skills so that you will never miss an Angel message again. You will also learn how to journal your signs so that you can assess and clarify. Numbers are limited.
TO BOOK YOUR PLACE CLICK HERE: http://michellenewten.com/product-category/masterclass
This will be held over 4 consecutive Wednesdays at 9 pm Australian time. Each class will run for 60 – 90 minutes with an opportunity for questions. Each participant will be invited to a closed facebook group where we will interact and share our stories and photos. If you can’t make one of the classes a replay will be posted on the facebook page.


Angel Hour with Bekahbutterfly Flutterby Khrysalis

Huge thank you to Bekahbutterfly Flutterby Khrysalis Soul Healing
Contact Bek here: https://www.facebook.com/khrysalissoulhealing/ for her discounted reading sessions for live participants. Bek is available for sessions online and at the Elk Wellbeing Centre Clifton Hill

If you would like to work with me here is my gift 50% OFF the Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course
CLICK HERE NOW: http://aokonlineacademy.com/vip-launch-sales-page/

Love Angels? Love Colour therapy?
Like to give profound readings using The Angel Feather Oracle for yourself, family or others?
This is a special invitation to join me for my online training course at the AOK Academy.
I will walk you step by step from basic skills of connecting with the Angels through to how to use your psychic skills to give inspirational guidance.
You will gain an esteemed qualification acknowledged by the Institute of Complementary Therapies and become a valued member of my inner circle.

I look forward to you joining me!
Angel Blessings Michelle Newten The Aussie Angel Lady


New Moon Wishes Angel Altar: Michelle Newton AOK Angels

new moon altar

New moon wishes written out on my AOK Angels Sticky Note Pad (perfect for this work because it has a picture of an Angel and has AOK Angels written on it) & placed in my gorgeous dish that is spec…ial because my mother gave it to me.  Rose petals (the Angels favourite flower) sprinkled over my written wishes.  I was guided to place a selection of crystals under my wishes dish to amplify my intent and the manifestation of my wishes.
Light bought to the Angel Altar via light stands under the purple Angels and candles.
Double rainbow picture behind the wishes dish symbolic of special blessings coming.
Little card that says “expect a miracle!” power of words
Angel cup which was a gift from an AOK Angels Facebook page fan: I placed two Angel letters in here that I wrote this week.
Angel Sent Soy Wax Candle & Spray because they are filled with Angelic love and smell Divine.
I sprayed the Angel sent spray over my wishes as well as placing my own personal Angel Symbol (you can receive your own Angel Symbol in meditation 2 of my first Angel Staircase CD: http://aokangelsofkindness.com/aok-angels-shop/angel-staircase-meditation-cd/angel-staircase-meditations-for-entering-the-angelic-realm.html
Isn’t it beautiful: wishes on the way and will be delivered in Angel Time.  For more information and tips on making your own Angel Altar: CLICK HERE: Angel Altars: creating your own Sacred Space.
Angel Blessings Michelle
