What it means when the Angels leave you a bird feather

AOK so most of you by now know that the Angels leave us feathers, usually small white fluffy feathers. You may also know that Angels will leave you coloured feathers that have added meaning associated with the energy of colour.  So you may receive an coloured Angel Feather sign by using The Angel Feather Oracle and you may also find a green feather on the way to the bank.  The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book is a great addit to your library as it has a section on coloured feathers that you find.
But what does it mean if the Angels leave you a very specific bird feather?
Well of course they can leave you a bird feather in an unusual place.  If this happens to you then they are really delivering a deep message so it would be advisable to research associated symbolic meanings.
I know its a busy time of the year but its never too busy to learn something new, so I thought I would put together a small list of bird feathers that you may be delivered along with the symbology related to it for you here.  I hope you enjoy it.

  • Crow: messenger, keeper of sacred law, magic, clear messages or straight talk, are you moaning about something, law
  • Peacock: spiritual rebirth, renewal, pride, beauty, natural strength, self assurance, integrity
  • Swan: grace, surrender to the universal plan, purity, soulmate
  • Eagle: Divine spirit, power in battle, protection, clear vision, success, prosperity, wealth, intelligence, renewal, courage.
  • Black bird: illumination, guide, enchantment
  • Goose: guardian, inspiration, happiness
  • Hawk: cleansing, observation, clarity, inspiration, messages
  • Owl: wisdom, truth, solitude, patience, change, totem of clairvoyants & mystics
  • Blue bird: spiritual joy, contentedness, happy conditions in one’s life
  • Canary: joy
  • Duck: spiritual vulnerability, inner strength required, emotional stability
  • Hen: protection, patience, mothering, guarding ones treasures
  • Parrot: need to think for one’s self, gossip, colour therapy
  • Pelican: striving for purification
  • Sparrow: gentle nature, intelligence
  • Swallow: punctuality, relationships between brothers
  • Galah: joy, love of life, relationships, social activities
  • Dove: peace, reassurance, Harmony, clarity, unconditional love
  • Emu: endurance, responsibility, role of the father
  • Kookaburra: inner healing of self, asking for help and healing, laughter
  • Magpie: balance, ying/yang, collingwood football club: you do read my newsletters! LOL
  • Willy wagtail: motion, meaningful purpose, balance
  • Wren: ambition, bravery
  • Sparrow: self reliance, ambition
  • Pigeon: home coming, Carry’s prayers and messages of love,inner peace, stability
  • Turkey: giving of blessings, healing through herbs & minerals

If you have been blessed with a very special feather please share it with us all on the AOK Angels face book page: CLICK HERE: https://www.facebook.com/aokangels

Angel Blessings Michelle
