Angel Gerbera’s: The Flower of Happiness

Angel Gerbera messages revealed:

The gerbera is called the flower of happiness so that is the Angels theme this week. These messages are channelled directly from my Angels to you 
1: Being happy is purely and simply a choice. In any given moment you can chose to be miserable or you can chose happiness. Are you choosing happiness today??
2: Happiness comes hand in hand with choosing to do the things you love. The things that make your soul sing. What makes your soul sing??
3:Happiness is being with those that you love and more importantly those that love you in return unconditionally. Chose to spend time with people who love and care for you just the way you are. Notice, who am I happy around? Who takes your happiness away?
4:Smile your worries away. Notice repetitive thoughts and concerns and be kind to yourself when you do. OK I just had a worry thought but I have noticed it; now I change it and smile as you do! Have you smiled today??
5:Happiness and laughter go hand in hand. It’s time for a good laugh. Hire a comedy or spend time with someone who makes you laugh. There’s nothing better than uplifting your spirits with laughter. Archangel Raphael is also the Angel of Laughter, call him in to assist you at this time. Laughter is the best medicine. Can you laugh at yourself or are you taking yourself to seriously??

May your weekend be fill with all the things and people who make you happy 
Angel Blessings



The Butterfly: Animal Angel Sign

I was thinking about angels a few days ago and when I got into the lift there was a white butterfly on the ground that was covered in silver sparkles. It must have fallen out of a flower arrangement. Could this have been an Angel sign? Regards Vicki with angel blessings

Serenity: Little things mean a lot 

Thank you so much Vicki, you have just provided a beautiful example of how the Angels communicate with us by delivering angel signs.  Your beautiful sparkling white butterfly was definitely a sign sent to you from the angels after a series of synchronistic events or small miracles arranged by your angels in response to you making a conscious connection with your angels.  The arrival of this ornamental butterfly into your life is the angels way of letting you know that they are with you and also very importantly, brings with it messages of guidance from your angels.   To many this angel sign may seem quite simple however it contains many different angel signs within it and important symbology that can be examined from which we can gain insight relating to the messages contained within. 

                The butterfly is the main sign presented and is a beautiful angel nature sign.  The fact that Vicki’s butterfly was presented in ornamental form is just as significant symbolically as a real butterfly.  The sign could also have been delivered in pictorial form in a book, magazine or email and also as a written word or spoken word such as in a song.   The symbology of the butterfly is very interesting and deep.   Given its impressive process of metamorphosis from egg to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the cocoon) and it’s the emergence from the cocoon as a stunning butterfly; one of the main symbols of the butterfly, therefore, is that of powerful transformation.  The butterfly has the courage to leave the safety of the cocoon in a completely new form.  The butterfly is delivered by the angels as reassurance that change and transformation does not have to be difficult.  The angels ask you to accept change by taking the opportunities that are presented and encourage you to walk through the doors they open.

                The butterfly is also a highly spiritual symbol of many religions and cultures with its symbology associated with the human soul, the spirit, renewal, rejuvenation, balance and reincarnation.  The butterfly’s acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of a deep unwavering faith.  When presented with a butterfly the angels are asking you to keep faith as these transitions in life unfold.  The angels are with you delivering extra support and love as you navigate a change and transition that will result in personal growth and happiness.

                The butterfly is also a symbol of joy, change and colour. The colour of Vicki’s butterfly is most important to look at to gain further understanding of the angel sign.  White is symbolic of new beginnings, purity, hope, faith, enlightenment, illumination, protection, calmness and perfection.  An extra special touch finds the butterfly sparkling with silver; not only was the purpose of this to catch Vicki’s eye but by using the silver colour the angels are saying “that they are lighting the way forward and protecting her on the way”.  Butterflies also have a sense of lightness and joy surrounding them and are also delivered by the angels as a reminder for us not to take ourselves so seriously.  Just as the butterfly joyfully flutters around; the angels ask us to keep moving.  It is very pertinent here to note that Vicki’s butterfly sign was delivered in a lift.  (How interesting, that she walked into a lift, a confined space which moves up and down to receive her angel sign!)  The lift is symbolic of ascension, elevation, free movement in two directions and rising easily.  Other meanings for the butterfly include beauty, grace and the ability to bounce back from disappointments and setbacks.

 May this information add more sparkle to your angel sign Vicki.   I so hope that you kept your special butterfly; please place it with love on your angel altar as a constant reminder that the angels will be right beside you throughout the changes ahead which are going to elevate you spiritually and bring you great joy.

 Angel Blessings



Angel Animal Sign: The Lady Bug

Animal Angel Sign: The Lady Bug
I have been asked by a fan of the page the significance of the lady bug after she saw two in a row. Thank you for your question Fiona. The lady bug is best known as a symbol of luck and love. Asian tradition believes that if a lady bug is caught and then released the ladybug will fly faithfully to your true love and whisper your name in their ear; then your true love will find their way to you. Farmers believe that the Lady bug is good luck because she controls aphids. Tradition also says that the number of spots on the ladybugs back is said to indicate the number of months before you wish of love comes true. Other meanings for the ladybug are delight & trust♥


Amplified Number Sign:- Mirrored Magnification

Number signs that are delivered simulatanously, at the exact same time, always have amplified significance and are therefore of tremendous importance to the receiver:- another of my blogs on amplified signs gives an example of a duplicate car number plate.

Another type of an ‘Angelic Amplification’ of a number sign is called a ‘Mirrored Magnification’.
I received such a sign when I was in Adelaide for the Mind Body Psychic Expo.  Just after I received a Transcendent Angel Sign; the one I spoke about in my June newsletter; my husband and I walked across the street and there right in front of us was two cars parked side by side.

The numbers on the number plates were:-  880          088 respectively.  
These numbers are therefore presented in amplification like a ‘power sign’ really.  I instantly knew that it was about abundance because of the 8’s & felt an overwhelming sense of ‘its ok, & knew that I was going to do really well at the expo’ because that was what I was thinking about when I saw the sign.  Of course I couldn’t wait to look up Doreen Virtues numbers book to get my message.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- 880

“God is surrounding you with abundant blessings & miracles.  Enjoy them, as the Source loves to give”.

As you know the Angels are constantly downloading information to me that assists us all in in
interpreting our Angel Signs.  When I was in meditation I asked about the way this number sign was given to me and the Angels called it a “Mirrored Magnification”.  I then researched the symbolism of the Mirror.  The mirror symbolism alludes to ‘self realisation which reflects wisdom’.  The Angels have told me that “Spiritual Truth is always available to us & is often shown to us in a reflection or through reflection”.  This is very interesting to me & makes alot of sense because in nurse education there is now a definate emphasis placed on reflection in nursing and journaling.
angel-book-DVS1-sm Angel Signs  angel-book-UJ-sm unicorn journal

Till next time my advise is to get yourself a journal; a special one is great but an old exercise book can do just the same and start writing down the Angels signs that you receive.
The answers will then follow!!

Angel Blessings Always


Angelically Amplified Number Signs

Ask the Angels for help and it always arrives.  I was sitting here pondering what to write about today when a dear friend sent me an email informing me that she had received an email from me at 11:11 on the 29th which also translates to 2+9=11.  Not only did she receive my email but at that exact time, 11:11 received a total of 4 emails.  She realised the importance of what had just happened so she went and looked up my past blog on the number pattern 11:11 for some guidance.
Here we have an example of a Angel number sign ‘Amplification’.  The importance here is amplified x4.  Numbers with 4 in them are always specifically about Angels.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- number 4  
“Angels are with you.  Call upon them for help, guidance & feelings of love & security”.

So not only does she need to understand the relevance of the number sequence 11:11 a call to her as a light worker but they are really wanting her to know that they are ready & available to help with her life purpose.  So amplified signs are VIP; a must pay attention type of sign.
Just think about how many minor miracles were performed for this one sign to be delivered to her!!!
Looks like there is alot of candles about to be made Kirst xxxx
As you know every number has a meaning and the most wonderful tool that Doreen Virtue has gifted us is her numbers book; I highly recommend it.
angel-book-DVAN101-sm  Buy online in AOK Shop
PS The Angels can amplify any sign they deliver not only numbers.
So keep your eyes peeled!!

Angel Blessings Always.


Angel Sign- Roses

With Valentines day fast approaching lets have a look at the symbolism of the ‘Rose’.  Every flower & tree has its own meaning and symbolism attached to it.  Symbolic associations with the Rose date back to the early Greeks.  Roses have been identified with passion and love since these times beginning with their association with the goddesses Aphrodite & Isis.  Isis was said to have received Marc Anthony in a room knee-deep in rose petals.  The rose is also associated with the Mother Mary who is known as “The Mystic Rose”.  Saint Theresa is often depicted holding a red rose and is known as ‘ The little Flower’.  As a novice nun she was said to scatter flower petals which was her little action for God & Love. Before she died she said “I will send down a shower of roses”.  In modern culture much has been written about roses especially in poetry. Shakespeare also mentioned roses frequently in his plays and sonnets.  In China roses have given inspiration for artistic design in many areas from wall paper to china patterns.
Roses are my favourite flower as not only are they visually beautiful but often have the most heavenly scent.  They are also a reminder to me that even the most beautiful things are not perfect.  One of my favourite sayings is “even a rose has thorns”.
Florists for many years have studied the very special language of flowers especially roses and have ascribed meanings to the colour, variety & number of roses gifted.  Traditionally of course the Rose is considered “The Flower of Love” but as every colour has a different meaning it may be well worth a look at the following list.

Rose meanings from the Flower experts:-
Red Rose:- I love You!
Deep emotions; be it love, longing or desire.  Also associated with respect, devotion, & admiration.
White Rose:- Purity, & Innocence.  I am worthy of you.  You’re Heavenly.
Pink Rose:-Perfect happiness!  Please believe me!  Convey gentle emotions such as admiration, joy & gratitude. Elegance & grace.
Yellow Rose:-Symbol of friendship & caring. No undertones of romance.
Orange Rose:- You are my secret love! Signifies passion & energy. Intense desire.
Lavender Rose:- Love at first sight! Enchantment. Regal majesty, splendor, fascination & adoration.
Blue Rose:- I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you!
Mixed Roses:- I don’t know what my feelings are yet but I sure like you enough to send you roses!!

This Valentines day if you are trying to win someone’s heart it may be an idea to steer away from yellow roses as lovely as they are!!!

angel-figurineB-GBLUV  The perfect gift for your Valentine 

Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day.

Remember “A trail of rose petals can be seen where an Angel has been” (M Newton 2009)

Angel Blessings & Love Always


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Have you ever been on a mission to fix what seems to be one problem after another?  Well this has been the storyline of my past few months.  None the less I am happy to report that I have managed to soldier on slowly getting on top of things as they present.  As Dr Wayne Dyer says “There’s a solution to every problem!”.  With this in mind I would love to share a little true story that unraveled the other day.  My dear friend Marg & I were on our way down to Melbourne in the car on one of my recent  ‘solution drives!’  Marg is the first to say “that she is not observant and never has been!”; however I think that she has been around me so long now that she is actually picking up a lot of signs that are delivered.  As we were driving Marg says “you really need one of those number books in the car you know!” and I agreed but have just never quite managed to attend to it.  With that Marg reads the car number plate directly in front of us which read …464  Next thing I know Marg excitedly says “Look at that, the same numbers!!!”  Another car drove up past us in the second lane so that we were looking at two cars with exactly the same numbers side by side in front of us i.e. …464      …..464  Both the cars stayed together for quite some time it was quite amazing.  I have asked the Angels about this and they call it a ‘duplicate number sign’.  Of course this sign is amplified as it is presented twice and at the same time.  I couldn’t wait to get home to look up the meaning.  The meaning read:- “The Angels assist you with the human steps to take in this situation.  Move forward in trust” ( From Doreen Virtues Angel Numbers 2005)  If only I did have the book in the car at the time I would have known that the drive was going to render one issue solved.  The story continues: On arriving home that night Margs daughter came around to see me as she had been doing some reading for me.  I told her the story about the number plates.  As I told her she just looked so shocked.  She said “I think you had better come outside!”  There in the driveway was her car and you guessed it her number plate …..464!!!  I took a huge sigh of relief and knew that all would be A.O.K

angel-book-DVAN101-sm  A must have buy now

Angel Blessings


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Today I want to share a lovely experience that I shared with a little girl called Emily at an expo in Healsville that I recently attended.  Emily,her mother and little sister were in the audience at Healsville when I spoke about Angel signs and how to interpret them.  During my talk Emily’s little sister 9 years asked me about a repeated number sequence that she had been receiving; I knew the individual meanings of the numbers but asked her to come down to my stall and we would look up Doreen Virtues numbers book for more explanation.  Following the talk the two little girls followed me down to my stall; after looking up the number meaning Emily had a question for me.  All of 12 years old and as serious as they come, Emily says to me; “I have a question for you but I don’t think you are going to be able to answer it!”  (This is what I refer to as Golden Tongued Wisdom or “Out of the Mouths of Babes and Others”)  Emily was just delivering a message with no intent of any disrespect.  After she said it I instantly knew that I would not know the answer so I said to Emily; “Well I probably won’t know the answer but lets make a deal; we will work on finding out the answer together.”  She agreed to this.  Emily said that since she had been at the expo she had been seeing a repeated sign; the ‘Paisley Print’.  I must say I was quite amazed; what 9 year old even knows what a paisley print is!  She said “I have seen it everywhere today” and she pointed out several examples as we were standing at my stall.  Aren’t children just awesome!!

Lets look at the Spiritual meaning if the paisley symbol.  The paisley symbol resembles a twisted tear-drop, kidney shape or an elongated comma; it is of Persian & Indian origin, however the modern name ‘paisley’ came from Scotland named after the town of ‘Paisley’.   My investigations found that the paisley design is rich in symbolic and spiritual meaning.  In India the paisley signified the time of harvest, a time of spiritual and socio-economical significance.  In Eastern religions, two paisley symbols are representative of the ying-yang; the interaction of two polar energies :ie male & female of which encompasses creation; (this symbol is therefore often found on wedding bands to signify the union of marriage).  Some believe that the paisley represents a floral spray and the ancient cypress tree of the Middle East; a spiritually rich tree often depicted in the Bible.  The paisley also had its origins in royal designs of the Safavid Dynasty of Persia of the 16th & 17th century.  At that time the paisley floral motif was very popular in decorative designs of royal insignias, crowns, jewellery, persian carpets & embroidery.  The Paisley design saw a resurgence in the 60’s culture with an interest in Indian spirituality and was made popular by the Beatles pilgrimage to India in 1968.

special-gifts-PAISM-sm The Paisley collection now available in the online shop. Gift boxes covered in the paisley print featuring blue Angel as shown, buttterfly, the friendship butterfly, blue bird of happiness & the lucky elephant. 

After this encounter I realised that the Angels were instructing me to do further research into various ‘Symbolic’ ‘Angel Messages’; I’m sure this will prove to be very interesting.
Till next time;

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign The Written Word

One of the ways Angels deliver signs to us is through the written word.  This includes written passages in books, phone text messages, billboards, sign posts, car number plates and in emails.  I received this email today and thought it was just lovely so I wanted to pass it on; maybe its a message for just for you.

Somebody is thinking of you
somebody is caring about you
somebody misses you
somebody wants to talk to you
somebody hopes you aren’t in trouble
somebody is thankful for the support you have provided
somebody wants to hold your hand
somebody hopes everything turns out alright
somebody wants you to be happy
somebody wants you to find him/her
somebody is celebrating your successes
somebody wants to give you a gift
somdbody thins thay you ARE a gift
somebody loves you
somebody admires your strength
somebody is thinking of you and smiling
somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on
Tell a friend : AOK Angels
Never take away anyone’s hope.  That may be all they have.
Author Unknown

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign:- Numbers

One of the easiest ways the Angels find to communicate with us is through the use of numbers.  There are many spiritual connotations to numbers and each number has numerological significance.  The Angels communicate with us through numbers throughout our day by using devices such as clocks, videos, watches, & computers.  Messages are also delivered on car number plates, signs, house numbers, street signs, within books, magazines and on billboards. The main thing to take into consideration as with any Angel Sign is a message that is repeated, especially two or three times.  Once you start to see a significant pattern of a repeated number message then it is important to find the significance of the message for yourself.  The Angel message is amplified if the number sequence you are observing is shown in multiples for example 111, 222 or 333.  As I have spoken about previously the number pattern 11:11 is significant for Lightworkers and means that there is an energetic gateway that you are about to experience; so therefore I advise when you see this often to “Make a Wish”.  The following list is some general meanings of Angel Numbers that you can receive.

1. Watch your thoughts.                  111 Energetic Gateway especially for

2. Faith & Courage.                         222 Everything will be alright.

3. Ascended Masters.                      333 Ascended Masters around you.

4. Angels.                                        444 Thousand of Angels around you.

5. Change & Transformation.            555 Major changes & opportunities.

6. Earthly Materials & Possessions.   666 Ask for help from above.

7. God; Right Path.                          777 Congratulations you have listened
to Divine Guidance & put it into action.

8. Abundance & Money.                   888 Great prosperity is coming to you.

9. Life Purpose.                               999 Get to work Lightworker.

I hope this is of some assistance in interpreting the Angel numbers you receive.  I recommend Doreen Virtues Angel numbers book; its a great resource to have. An easy to use little book which I personally use everyday.

angel-book-DVAN101-sm   Buy Now From the AOK Online Shop.

Till next time enjoy the Angel number signs that are delivered to you; be observant!!
Angel Blessings
