Download my mini e-book off the AOK Angels Face book page


Would you like to know the meanings of the coloured feathers that the Angels leave you?  Please go over to my AOK Angels Face Book page and download my mini e-book which is an expert from my Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book.

Enjoy my gift.  CLICK HERE:

Angel Blessings Michelle







Angel Sign:- The Colour Orange


Anyone who has heard me speak knows that I love to talk about my “Orange Angel Sign”.  The Angels have a great time sending me this colour sign; it seems to be ongoing and quite hilarious at times.  It usually occurs when I am being really creative (which I have been in the past few weeks) and usually indicates to me that I need to increase this coloured energy into my auric field to sustain and boost my creative streak.  As you will know orange is not my favourite colour; therefore I tend not to wear it in clothes or jewellery; however I do now try to wear a shade of orange that I feel more comfortable with ie tangerine.
The day that I found my winner of the Angel Altar competition was a significant ‘orange day’.  Wendys Angel Altar picture was the first of three significant ‘Orange ‘colour signs within a few hours.  The first thing I noticed when I saw her altar was the stunning plate which had a large orange circle in the middle of it; my first impression was what a ‘beautiful’ plate & look at its orange center.  Following  this I went down the street to buy my ‘beautiful’ niece Stephanie a birthday present.  After choosing my gift I took it to the counter and watched as it was wrapped in ‘orange‘ tissue paper thinking the whole time; surely they have another colour; what are they thinking!!!.  I have to admit that after it was wrapped I thought  it looked ‘beautiful’.  When I returned home I checked my emails and to my surprise there was an email there for me from an old friend.  It was a video about butterflies and friendship.  My friend wrote ” the orange butterfly at the end reminded me of you!!!!!!”  OK Angels I get it.  Following this I headed for my underwear draw; time for the orange briefs!!!!

special-gifts-PAISB-sm2 New Butterfly gifts    special-gifts-PAISF-sm2 Purple Butterfly

Till next time Angel Blessings



Angel Sign:- Peacock Feather

As you are all aware I am particularly interested in feathers.  Just the other day I went to visit a lady and in her front hall way I noticed the most beautiful collection of peacock feathers in a vase.  I must admit I just couldn’t take my eyes off them.  I can’t remember the last time that I saw a peacock or a peacock feather.  For some reason it has just stayed with me so I decided to take a closer look at the symbolism associated with the peacock feather.  As you know my Angel Feather Oracle looks at the feather as an ‘Angel Sign’ plus the association with colour.

So now it seems time that we look at not only the symbolism of the feather and the colour but also of the actual bird if it is presented that way.  As you know each animal has its own symbolic meanings associated with it and as with most things there are negative and positive meanings for the peacock.  I usually only look the positive side of symbolism; however I was interested to find out that there seems to be quite varied points of view to having peacock feathers in your house.  Some believe that it is bad luck whereas other believe that they provide protection for the home and the occupants.  This lady didn’t seem to have any problems with showcasing her lovely peacock feathers!!

Firstly the Peacock is a symbol of Spirituality and all throughout the ages each culture has had its own meaning associated with it.
Ancient Greece:- The peacock was the patron bird of the Goddess Hera & the peacock feather symbolised the vault of heaven & the”eyes” of the stars.
Hindu:- Mythology associated the Peacock with the God Lakshmi.  The peacock feather represented kindness, compassion, good luck, patience & benevolence.
Asian culture:- the Peacock is associated with Quan Yin who is an emblem of love, good-will & kindness.
Buddhist:- Peacock feathers are associated with openness as the bird displays everything when they spread their feathers. Another meaning is “the ability to thrive in the face of suffering”; due to the fact that the peacock survives on a diet of poisonous plants.
Babylon & Persia:- the Peacock was seen as a guardian of royalty.
Christianity:- associated with holiness, sanctity & represents resurrection, renewal & immortality within spiritual teachings.  The peacock was a symbol of immortality as the ancients believed that the peacock flesh did not decay after death.  Early Christian paintings & mosaics featured imagery of peacocks and peacock feathers were used during Easter celebrations.  The symbol of immortality is also linked to Christ.
India:- Peacocks are know as the great snake-slayers as they are said to be immune to snake bites & their venom-rich blood was said to “chase away evil spirits”.

Lets now look at some other interesting symbolism & facts regarding the Peacock & itsfeathers.

Ancients believed that the Gates of Paradise were guarded by a pair of peacocks.
The Peacock naturally replaces its feathers annually so therefore the ‘Symbol of Renewal’ is apt for this bird.
In the 18th century a peacock was often used as a symbol for a tailor of fine clothes.
The saying “By the Peacock” was a scared oath as the peacock was believed to have the power of the resurrection just like the Phoenix.
The symbol of two peacocks drinking from a chalice is associated with rebirth.
Angels are often depicted with four wings made of peacock feathers.
Due to the patterning of the feathers it is often referred to as ‘The Bird of 100 eyes’.
The peacock feather has been used for healing for thousands of years in every culture.
The peacock brings harmony and joy to the mind.  It is a majestic bird that reminds one to celebrate life.

So given all this information what could the presentation of a peacock or a peacock feather mean when its delivered as an Angel sign.  As you can gather it could mean so many different things and would be quite personal to each individual. Here are a few meanings it could pose for you:-

Immense beauty or a symbol of a beautiful vision; the beauty we can achieve when we finally show our ‘true colours’.
There is assistance & guidance coming for you on your Spiritual Path; have Faith!
You are protected at all times.
Embrace life; increase your self esteem and be proud; “Proud as a Peacock!”
An awakening that will lead to increased vitality, vibrancy & renewal.
Your integrity and vision is applauded by the Angels.
Keep your eyes open!
Connect with the Spiritual healing energies of the Universe to heal yourself or others.
Be willing to change; time for a fresh start.
Be patient; good luck is coming!
A new project is on its way.  (That was my message; very exciting!  How do I know I asked my Angels!!!)

I hope that you have enjoyed this examination of the peacock and its magnificent feather.
Finally don’t forget nothing is perfect; apparently the peacock has ugly feet!!!!!

Angel Blessings & welcome to Autumn


Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Today I want to share a lovely experience that I shared with a little girl called Emily at an expo in Healsville that I recently attended.  Emily,her mother and little sister were in the audience at Healsville when I spoke about Angel signs and how to interpret them.  During my talk Emily’s little sister 9 years asked me about a repeated number sequence that she had been receiving; I knew the individual meanings of the numbers but asked her to come down to my stall and we would look up Doreen Virtues numbers book for more explanation.  Following the talk the two little girls followed me down to my stall; after looking up the number meaning Emily had a question for me.  All of 12 years old and as serious as they come, Emily says to me; “I have a question for you but I don’t think you are going to be able to answer it!”  (This is what I refer to as Golden Tongued Wisdom or “Out of the Mouths of Babes and Others”)  Emily was just delivering a message with no intent of any disrespect.  After she said it I instantly knew that I would not know the answer so I said to Emily; “Well I probably won’t know the answer but lets make a deal; we will work on finding out the answer together.”  She agreed to this.  Emily said that since she had been at the expo she had been seeing a repeated sign; the ‘Paisley Print’.  I must say I was quite amazed; what 9 year old even knows what a paisley print is!  She said “I have seen it everywhere today” and she pointed out several examples as we were standing at my stall.  Aren’t children just awesome!!

Lets look at the Spiritual meaning if the paisley symbol.  The paisley symbol resembles a twisted tear-drop, kidney shape or an elongated comma; it is of Persian & Indian origin, however the modern name ‘paisley’ came from Scotland named after the town of ‘Paisley’.   My investigations found that the paisley design is rich in symbolic and spiritual meaning.  In India the paisley signified the time of harvest, a time of spiritual and socio-economical significance.  In Eastern religions, two paisley symbols are representative of the ying-yang; the interaction of two polar energies :ie male & female of which encompasses creation; (this symbol is therefore often found on wedding bands to signify the union of marriage).  Some believe that the paisley represents a floral spray and the ancient cypress tree of the Middle East; a spiritually rich tree often depicted in the Bible.  The paisley also had its origins in royal designs of the Safavid Dynasty of Persia of the 16th & 17th century.  At that time the paisley floral motif was very popular in decorative designs of royal insignias, crowns, jewellery, persian carpets & embroidery.  The Paisley design saw a resurgence in the 60’s culture with an interest in Indian spirituality and was made popular by the Beatles pilgrimage to India in 1968.

special-gifts-PAISM-sm The Paisley collection now available in the online shop. Gift boxes covered in the paisley print featuring blue Angel as shown, buttterfly, the friendship butterfly, blue bird of happiness & the lucky elephant. 

After this encounter I realised that the Angels were instructing me to do further research into various ‘Symbolic’ ‘Angel Messages’; I’m sure this will prove to be very interesting.
Till next time;

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign The Written Word

One of the ways Angels deliver signs to us is through the written word.  This includes written passages in books, phone text messages, billboards, sign posts, car number plates and in emails.  I received this email today and thought it was just lovely so I wanted to pass it on; maybe its a message for just for you.

Somebody is thinking of you
somebody is caring about you
somebody misses you
somebody wants to talk to you
somebody hopes you aren’t in trouble
somebody is thankful for the support you have provided
somebody wants to hold your hand
somebody hopes everything turns out alright
somebody wants you to be happy
somebody wants you to find him/her
somebody is celebrating your successes
somebody wants to give you a gift
somdbody thins thay you ARE a gift
somebody loves you
somebody admires your strength
somebody is thinking of you and smiling
somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on
Tell a friend : AOK Angels
Never take away anyone’s hope.  That may be all they have.
Author Unknown

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign:- Numbers

One of the easiest ways the Angels find to communicate with us is through the use of numbers.  There are many spiritual connotations to numbers and each number has numerological significance.  The Angels communicate with us through numbers throughout our day by using devices such as clocks, videos, watches, & computers.  Messages are also delivered on car number plates, signs, house numbers, street signs, within books, magazines and on billboards. The main thing to take into consideration as with any Angel Sign is a message that is repeated, especially two or three times.  Once you start to see a significant pattern of a repeated number message then it is important to find the significance of the message for yourself.  The Angel message is amplified if the number sequence you are observing is shown in multiples for example 111, 222 or 333.  As I have spoken about previously the number pattern 11:11 is significant for Lightworkers and means that there is an energetic gateway that you are about to experience; so therefore I advise when you see this often to “Make a Wish”.  The following list is some general meanings of Angel Numbers that you can receive.

1. Watch your thoughts.                  111 Energetic Gateway especially for

2. Faith & Courage.                         222 Everything will be alright.

3. Ascended Masters.                      333 Ascended Masters around you.

4. Angels.                                        444 Thousand of Angels around you.

5. Change & Transformation.            555 Major changes & opportunities.

6. Earthly Materials & Possessions.   666 Ask for help from above.

7. God; Right Path.                          777 Congratulations you have listened
to Divine Guidance & put it into action.

8. Abundance & Money.                   888 Great prosperity is coming to you.

9. Life Purpose.                               999 Get to work Lightworker.

I hope this is of some assistance in interpreting the Angel numbers you receive.  I recommend Doreen Virtues Angel numbers book; its a great resource to have. An easy to use little book which I personally use everyday.

angel-book-DVAN101-sm   Buy Now From the AOK Online Shop.

Till next time enjoy the Angel number signs that are delivered to you; be observant!!
Angel Blessings


‘Angel’ Angel Signs (Transcendent Angel Signs)

I would like to write about a very special ‘Angel’ sign that heaven delivers called a ‘Transcendent Angel Sign’.  This sign I refer to as being ‘Transcendent’ meaning; above or beyond what is expected as normal. Of ‘God’; having existence outside the created world and ordinary limitations. Supreme, supernatural or mystical; above and beyond what is expected as normal.  This is not an ‘everyday’ type sign.  Throughout my life I have found that this type of sign is delivered at times of great stress or distress; they are delivered almost ‘unexpectedly’ as one is consumed by the stress that is playing out in life.  It is the most comforting type of sign they deliver and when received an instant overwhelming feeling of calmness and relief washes over you that pulls you back into a state of control.  This sign is generally delivered as an actual visual of an Angel.  I have received many varied transcendent signs.  For example; for the past 25 years I stayed in the one job. Last year I finally decided it was time for a change; one that I found difficult to make as I was so attached to my previous workplace.  In June last year I found myself in a new job as an Associate Lecturer of Nursing at Latrobe University.  I really enjoyed the job and I knew that the Angels had put my in a place where I would develop my public speaking abilities; so I felt grateful for that.  However; for many reasons I found the job taxing.  By the end of the year I found myself asking the Angels for another job.  In January this year I applied for a new job at Melbourne University. As I sat nervously waiting to go in for the interview I found myself asking, “what are you doing?”, “do you really want to change again after only six months?” etc etc  It was then that I suddenly looked up and saw the emblem of the Melbourne University on the glass wall behind the main reception desk; A beautiful Angel!  Instantly I felt calm and a sense of “I’m in the right place came over me”  Yes; I got the job & the hours that I was looking for.  Now everyday I wear a name badge with an Angel on it and see the Angel emblem everywhere.  It feels like the right place for me to be at the present point of time.  I could tell many other similar stories of receiving transcendent Angel signs.  All involve seeing a visual of an Angel. For example; someone wearing an Angel Pin, opening a magazine to find a picture of an Angel and a story about Angels, someone has an Angel pen, receiving a gift of an Angel or a card with an Angel on it, receiving an email about Angels, looking at the TV to see someone making Angel biscuits etc.  The only time that I have received this sign in a format other than a visual Angel is when someone has said “Hello my name is Angel” or when I have rung someone about an important matter and they say; “actually I am just outside a shop that is called ‘Angels …….!!!”

angel-oracle-cards-AFO-sm   Receive an Angel Sign with my new oracle deck

Till next time may all your encounters be truly ‘Angelic’.  Angel Blessings


The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck

It is with much excitement that I finally present my first major writing project.  In my blogs and newsletters I have mentioned that I have been working on an ‘Angelic Project’ for some time. It has finally come to fruition and I would like to present to you:-

    “The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck”

             angel-oracle-cards-AFO-sm Buy now         angel-feather-oracle-AFO2-sm

The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck brings you 44 different Coloured Feathers along with associated messages from your Angels.  The deck comprises a beautiful combination of ‘Colour Energy’ and ‘Angelic Guidance’.  The deck is accompanied by a guidebook that assists you with performing and interpreting your Angel Feather readings.  It provides additional meanings for each Coloured Feather along with an associated affirmation.



Examples of three of the feather cards. Connect with your Angels Buy Now
The cards are beautifully gold bound and can be used in conjuntion with other Angel Oracle card decks.

Use this deck daily to connect with your Angels for guidance and to incorporate the coloured energy required to enhance your day.  A unique feature of this deck is that it has three cards that will give you a definite answer from your Angels; Yes, No & Maybe.  You are able to ask your question then read just with the three cards if you chose.
May this deck bring you Angelic guidance and many Angel Blessings. May you feel the love that the Angels & I have poured into this deck.
Please pass onto your friends



Earth Bound Rainbow

Yesterday I was sent the most amazing photo in an email which was entitled “Earth Bound Rainbow”.  Thank you Kathy.  I thought that I would share it with you all because it is just so beautiful.  I hope you can see the rainbow sitting across the top of the water of the fountain.  The Angels are certainly working with the rainbow colour spectrum at the moment.  They are filling peoples lives with beauty at every opportunity & showering us with blessings.

image016161615161512[1] earth bound rainbow

Tomorrow I will be exhibiting at “The Wholistic Festival of Life” Expo at the Hungarian Community Centre; 760 Boronia Road Wantirna.  Melway ref: Map 63 Ref:F5.  The expo is on from 10am till 5pm.  I will be speaking about Angel Signs & Synchronicities at 2.30pm in the front foyer for approximately half an hour; so hope to see you all there.  If you have had a repeated Angel Sign I may be able to help you interpret it.  I have some truly beautiful Angel & crystal gifts for you to look at just in time for Christmas; my favourite time of the year!  Please pass this information onto all your friends in the Wantirna area.  Angel Blessings



Angel Sign:- The written word

The Angels will often deliver a message to you through different mediums that use the written word.  A message can be found in a book, magazine,or greeting card.  On a road sign post, in advertising on a bill board, in a shop front, on the side of a truck or bus or in a car number plate.  A hand written letter may hold a message or you may find it on the internet; in an email or a text message on your phone.    Personally I just love words; writing and reading beautiful verses is something that I have always enjoyed. However; I am not an avid reader of novels which may surprise you. My reading is usually centered around the quest for knowledge and subsequently generally delivers me to the areas of medicine or metaphysics and the balance of these subjects relating to the mind, body,spirit connection.
The Angels have prompted me to write this small piece tonight after I received a lovely verse via email tonight from a friend.  Those of you who read this verse have been directed here via the Angels.  They remind me that beautiful things should be shared; especially beautiful words.  May these words bring you the comfort you need when you read it; and know that these words and this message has been delivered to you from the Angels.

             To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
When God takes something from your grasp, he is not punishing you;
but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
(Author Unknown)

If anyone does happen to know who the author of this piece is please drop me a line.  
Thankyou Aunty Jule for the delivery of these beautiful words; I am grateful!

Just to let you know that I will be exhibiting at a newage expo in Geelong on the weekend of the 31st November / 1st December.  153 Pakington Street Geelong West in the Town Hall.  It would be lovely to see you all there. I am hoping to be speaking on both days; about Angel Signs & Synchronicities.   If I find out times I will let you all know through Angelic Answers.  Till next time take care and be observant!!  Angel Blessings

