Angel Sign:- The Written Word

I passionately believe that when I am searching for answers the Angels always lead me to the words that I need to read.  Today was a day of soul searching; lighting candles and asking over and over Angels please help. Tonight I was lead to an interesting article about the role of Motherhood and at the bottom was this poem by Helen Steiner Rice titled “Our Father knows what’s best for us”.

Our Father knows what’s best for us,

So why should we complain …
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain.

We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer;
But our hearts would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Our Father tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow;
He tests us, not to punish us,
But to help us meet “tomorrow.”

For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm;
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form.

God never hurts us needlessly,
And He never wastes our pain;
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain.

And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent;
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament.

For Our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain;
So He never sends us “pleasure”
When the “soul’s deep need is pain.”

So whenever we are troubled,
And when everything goes wrong,
It is just God working in us
To make “our spirits strong.”
— Helen Steiner Rice

After reading this I must say my first impression was “God please don’t make me that strong that I end up with a marble heart & soul!!!”   (Luckily he knows my sense of humor).
However who am I to argue with the boss; obviously more work is needed & these times are to build strength of character.  As they say what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
Till next time may your troubles be few.

Angel Blessings



Angel Sign Numbers: Duplicate number signs.

Today I want to share a lovely experience that I shared with a little girl called Emily at an expo in Healsville that I recently attended.  Emily,her mother and little sister were in the audience at Healsville when I spoke about Angel signs and how to interpret them.  During my talk Emily’s little sister 9 years asked me about a repeated number sequence that she had been receiving; I knew the individual meanings of the numbers but asked her to come down to my stall and we would look up Doreen Virtues numbers book for more explanation.  Following the talk the two little girls followed me down to my stall; after looking up the number meaning Emily had a question for me.  All of 12 years old and as serious as they come, Emily says to me; “I have a question for you but I don’t think you are going to be able to answer it!”  (This is what I refer to as Golden Tongued Wisdom or “Out of the Mouths of Babes and Others”)  Emily was just delivering a message with no intent of any disrespect.  After she said it I instantly knew that I would not know the answer so I said to Emily; “Well I probably won’t know the answer but lets make a deal; we will work on finding out the answer together.”  She agreed to this.  Emily said that since she had been at the expo she had been seeing a repeated sign; the ‘Paisley Print’.  I must say I was quite amazed; what 9 year old even knows what a paisley print is!  She said “I have seen it everywhere today” and she pointed out several examples as we were standing at my stall.  Aren’t children just awesome!!

Lets look at the Spiritual meaning if the paisley symbol.  The paisley symbol resembles a twisted tear-drop, kidney shape or an elongated comma; it is of Persian & Indian origin, however the modern name ‘paisley’ came from Scotland named after the town of ‘Paisley’.   My investigations found that the paisley design is rich in symbolic and spiritual meaning.  In India the paisley signified the time of harvest, a time of spiritual and socio-economical significance.  In Eastern religions, two paisley symbols are representative of the ying-yang; the interaction of two polar energies :ie male & female of which encompasses creation; (this symbol is therefore often found on wedding bands to signify the union of marriage).  Some believe that the paisley represents a floral spray and the ancient cypress tree of the Middle East; a spiritually rich tree often depicted in the Bible.  The paisley also had its origins in royal designs of the Safavid Dynasty of Persia of the 16th & 17th century.  At that time the paisley floral motif was very popular in decorative designs of royal insignias, crowns, jewellery, persian carpets & embroidery.  The Paisley design saw a resurgence in the 60’s culture with an interest in Indian spirituality and was made popular by the Beatles pilgrimage to India in 1968.

special-gifts-PAISM-sm The Paisley collection now available in the online shop. Gift boxes covered in the paisley print featuring blue Angel as shown, buttterfly, the friendship butterfly, blue bird of happiness & the lucky elephant. 

After this encounter I realised that the Angels were instructing me to do further research into various ‘Symbolic’ ‘Angel Messages’; I’m sure this will prove to be very interesting.
Till next time;

Angel Blessings Always


Angel Sign The Written Word

One of the ways Angels deliver signs to us is through the written word.  This includes written passages in books, phone text messages, billboards, sign posts, car number plates and in emails.  I received this email today and thought it was just lovely so I wanted to pass it on; maybe its a message for just for you.

Somebody is thinking of you
somebody is caring about you
somebody misses you
somebody wants to talk to you
somebody hopes you aren’t in trouble
somebody is thankful for the support you have provided
somebody wants to hold your hand
somebody hopes everything turns out alright
somebody wants you to be happy
somebody wants you to find him/her
somebody is celebrating your successes
somebody wants to give you a gift
somdbody thins thay you ARE a gift
somebody loves you
somebody admires your strength
somebody is thinking of you and smiling
somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on
Tell a friend : AOK Angels
Never take away anyone’s hope.  That may be all they have.
Author Unknown

Angel Blessings Always


‘Angel’ Angel Signs (Transcendent Angel Signs)

I would like to write about a very special ‘Angel’ sign that heaven delivers called a ‘Transcendent Angel Sign’.  This sign I refer to as being ‘Transcendent’ meaning; above or beyond what is expected as normal. Of ‘God’; having existence outside the created world and ordinary limitations. Supreme, supernatural or mystical; above and beyond what is expected as normal.  This is not an ‘everyday’ type sign.  Throughout my life I have found that this type of sign is delivered at times of great stress or distress; they are delivered almost ‘unexpectedly’ as one is consumed by the stress that is playing out in life.  It is the most comforting type of sign they deliver and when received an instant overwhelming feeling of calmness and relief washes over you that pulls you back into a state of control.  This sign is generally delivered as an actual visual of an Angel.  I have received many varied transcendent signs.  For example; for the past 25 years I stayed in the one job. Last year I finally decided it was time for a change; one that I found difficult to make as I was so attached to my previous workplace.  In June last year I found myself in a new job as an Associate Lecturer of Nursing at Latrobe University.  I really enjoyed the job and I knew that the Angels had put my in a place where I would develop my public speaking abilities; so I felt grateful for that.  However; for many reasons I found the job taxing.  By the end of the year I found myself asking the Angels for another job.  In January this year I applied for a new job at Melbourne University. As I sat nervously waiting to go in for the interview I found myself asking, “what are you doing?”, “do you really want to change again after only six months?” etc etc  It was then that I suddenly looked up and saw the emblem of the Melbourne University on the glass wall behind the main reception desk; A beautiful Angel!  Instantly I felt calm and a sense of “I’m in the right place came over me”  Yes; I got the job & the hours that I was looking for.  Now everyday I wear a name badge with an Angel on it and see the Angel emblem everywhere.  It feels like the right place for me to be at the present point of time.  I could tell many other similar stories of receiving transcendent Angel signs.  All involve seeing a visual of an Angel. For example; someone wearing an Angel Pin, opening a magazine to find a picture of an Angel and a story about Angels, someone has an Angel pen, receiving a gift of an Angel or a card with an Angel on it, receiving an email about Angels, looking at the TV to see someone making Angel biscuits etc.  The only time that I have received this sign in a format other than a visual Angel is when someone has said “Hello my name is Angel” or when I have rung someone about an important matter and they say; “actually I am just outside a shop that is called ‘Angels …….!!!”

angel-oracle-cards-AFO-sm   Receive an Angel Sign with my new oracle deck

Till next time may all your encounters be truly ‘Angelic’.  Angel Blessings


Angel Message

Why why why????  Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions.  Why are the people in my life acting the way they are? Why is this happening to me?   What have I done wrong? Why me?  Have you ever struggled to understand why things are happening in your life and you just can’t find the answers anywhere.  You are not alone; we all do this during difficult times.  The old saying “life wasn’t meant to be easy” is so true.  All and all its tough down here!!!!  Sometimes there are just no answers and you just need to gather all your resources just to stay afloat.
A friend of mine sent me this lovely verse in an email last week.  I believe that when great insight is sent why not share it.  If at this time you are asking yourself such questions; I hope this small verse helps you.  Remember the Angels deliver messages through others xxx

God dosen’t give you the people you want;
He gives you the people you NEED……….
to help you, to hurt you, to leave you,
to love you & to make you into the person
you were meant to be.  (Author Unknown)

Sending you all many many Angels.  Happy Australia Day.
