If you have received the ‘Rainbow’ as a repeated ‘Angel Sign’ recently then it is possible that it is time for you to connect with Archangel Raziel. This beautiful Archangel radiates all the colours of the rainbow. His name means “Secret of God”. Raziel is said to work very closely with the Divine and therefore it is believed that he has a deep knowledge and understanding of ‘the secrets’ and ‘magic’ of the universe. Raziel can assist you by elevating your spiritual understanding of concepts related to ancient wisdom such as sacred geometry, sacred scripts and laws for manifestation. He also can assist to increase your psychic abilities on all levels. Call Archangel Raziel to enter your dreams whilst you sleep and also prior to your meditation sessions, it is during these times that he will deliver ancient wisdom to you. Also call on him if you are working on manifesting something particular into your life, he will assist you to follow your Divine guidance. Archangel Raziels related crystal is the‘Clear Quartz Crystal ‘ which of course radiates rainbow rays, it may assist you to connect with him if you hold a piece of quartz as you meditate.
Till next time, know that when the sky is filled with beautiful rainbows there are many Angels around you!! Angel Blessings