Connecting with Archangel Michael

What might a person do, after a period of satisfactory experiences with Archangel Michael cards, to develop their capacity for directly channelling the learning’s of an angel?   

Making a deep and personal connection with any archangel can be so empowering and prove to be a truly enlightening experience.  Connecting through angel oracle cards is a wonderful start but as with Graham some people feel the desire to connect on a deeper level to advance their spiritual development or to assist others with angelic information and teachings.  My new book Angel Altars: creating your own sacred space, which will be released in a few months, explains many different techniques that can be used to connect on a more personal level with your angels and archangels.

                One of the ways described to directly channel an angel is called Angelic Scripting.  Angelic scripting is also referred to as automatic writing or automatic drawing, and is the act of divinely downloading angelic information.  This requires the person to enter a meditative state and then to pick up a pen or paintbrush and then just let the information flow through them onto their canvas.  This, as you could imagine, requires a great deal of practice and ability to make a deep connection.  This whole process entails a level of trust that allows a pure creative miracle to present on the paper or canvas.

There is something quite special about sitting down to write with the angels.  It is a time that I set up as sacred, with no distractions from phones.  My desk is like the altar for our work; I light candles at the beginning of the session and have angelic music playing softly in the background.  I invite my angels to communicate with me and have Archangel Michael standing in protection throughout my writing session, ensuring that it is filled only with love and light.  This is how I write all my books.  They are Divinely downloaded and yes just like Dr Wayne Dyer’s books, all handwritten. 

 Recently I watched a man at a new age expo use this skill in an accomplished way.  He was drawing spirit guides.  What was unusual about this you may ask?  Well, he completed the entire large, beautiful drawing with his eyes closed.  He opened his eyes only when the drawing was finished to see the spectacular vision on the canvas in front of him.  I believe that this is the type of connective technique the great composers like Mozart would have used.

 Personally, I have tried automatic writing and have found it useful, especially for writing poetry and verse.  The poems used on The Angels of Kindness Fund cards were downloaded in this fashion.  I also used this method after my brother persuaded me to come up with a better Angel logo.  This was one of the most amazing things I have ever done.  You see, I can write but drawing is certainly not my forte!  Truly, the angel logo just appeared on the paper and was near-perfect in its form; it was like an angel took over the pen.

 I would advise that if you attempt to do some automatic writing that you do take time to set up your sacred space as I described earlier.  You may also like to include a prayer of protection to Archangel Michael prior to your session.  Below is a prayer that I have personally written to Archangel Michael requesting his protective presence:

                                               Archangel Michael: Prayer of Protection

Dear Archangel Michael

I respectfully request your Divine presence in my sacred space.

Please stand in protection throughout this entire session.

May only the highest vibrations of love and light surround me,

And may Angelic inspiration flow to me through-out.


©Michelle Newton AOK 2011

 If there is a particular angel that you specifically would like to connect with during your session then I would set this intention as you are preparing your sacred space.  Creating a small angel altar on your writing desk will assist.  If you were wishing to connect with Archangel Michael specifically then I would suggest you may like to have a figurine of Archangel Michael on your desk.  You may also like to incorporate a blue candle and you may like to hold a crystal that resonates with Archangel Michael’s energy such as kyanite or sugilite.

May this information allow you to deepen the connection you already have with the Angelic realm and may you be a divine conduit for angelic inspiration and knowledge.

Angel Blessings Always



by michelle