How to Know Your Angels Are Near

Angels are constantly around each and every one of us, loving, guiding and supporting us as we make our journey through this lifetime and all the lessons associated with it. The fact is that Angels and Archangels come from a very different energetic realm to that of the earth realm in which we live. It is quite simply difficult for them to appear visually to us on this plane and therefore they usually make their appearance know to us in the form of Angel signs.

The energy felt when an angel is close by is always gentle, subtle and full of love and joy. Tuning into this energy can take time but it certainly helps if you know how the angels make themselves known.

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What is An Earth Angel: 33 Signs You Have An Angelic Soul

Are you an Earth Angel?

Have you spent your whole life feeling as though you are different and you can’t put your finger on what is it is or why it is?

You may have even felt like the odd one out in your family too? Don’t get me wrong you love them but you just feel so different on so many levels and at times you may even feel lonely.  I totally understand all of these feelings and have spent my whole life trying to understand what was actually going on.

It wasn’t until I really embraced my Angelic connection at around the age of 40 when I actually hit rock bottom, that I started to understand the meaning of the term “Earth Angel”.   You see it was drawn to my attention by a friend that I collected Angels.  This was something I always did but really had not acknowledged it on any level at all.  It was like my love of Angels was just a part of me and who I was.


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The Real Reason Butterflies Catch Your Eye & The Shocking Reason You Should Take More Notice

The butterfly is a very beautiful Angel animal sign.

The symbology of the butterfly is very interesting and deep, given its impressive process of metamorphosis from egg to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the cocoon) and its emergence from the cocoon as a stunning butterfly. One of the main symbols of the butterfly, therefore, is that of powerful transformation. The butterfly has the courage to leave the safety of the cocoon in a completely new form.

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“An Angel Saved My Life”

Our angels stand by us closely, guiding and comforting us throughout our lifetimes. Everyone, even those who don’t believe in Angels have a Guardian Angel dedicated to assisting them.

When we become aware of the Angelic realm and make the decision to connect with our Angels on a regular basis, they are then able to provide increased assistance. The Angels love to give us extra attention.

When we ask for their help, they are then able to provide further assistance to us by sending increased signs that guide us to easier paths. Also, when we summon extra assistance from the Angels, they are able to work behind the scenes to smooth our way by removing obstacles and diffuse potential problematic situations.

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