Soul Medicine – Michelle Newten Interview


Boy, did this talk stir me! When I heard Michelle Newten speak of her medical background, my ears perked up like a Boston Terrier at the sound of a Frisbee. There was a time in my life that I wanted to go into the medical field. I too wanted to be a medical professional (a medical doctor, actually) as an earth angel.

I thought little about money or status, but rather was enraptured with the joy of service: helping, loving and serving others in pain. I set aside that endeavor, but I have always wondered how others might combine their spirituality with their medical practice.

Unlike Michelle, I lost my spiritual connection before I finished my second decade. I retreated inside myself and “forgot” my love of service through medicine. To hear Michelle maintain her professional life as a nurse while connected to Spirit thus holds a particular intrigue for me. She says that people get signs all the time, but they are too busy, not observant or too riddled with self-doubt to trust the signs. I fall into the third category. I am very observant, never too busy to look for signs and pay attention, but I am ever-doubtful about the validity of the messages. For instance, when I am down and suddenly someone shows up in my life to give me kindness and support, I am the doubter who asks, “What if it is mere coincidence?” Yet, Michelle beckons me: “Miracles just happen when you totally tune in and believe and trust in what they can bring you.”

Thank you Michelle, Earth Angel.  Nurse.

Click here for the “How to Connect with Angels” podcast interview link

Original post from The Glitch Movie by Sangi Dave



Michelle Newten The Aussie Angel Lady FULL Interview

Michelle Newten is a respected Australian spiritual teacher, healer and Angelic Medium affectionately known as “The Aussie Angel Lady”. She is the author of a series of inspirational Angelic teachings that are collectively known as “The Angels Toolbox”. Her passion is to spread kindness and teach people how to connect with their Angels. She is the founder of AOK (Angels of Kindness), “The Angels of Kindness Fund” and the “AOK Online Academy”.

Click here to listen to her FULL interview 


michelle-newten-the-glitch-movie-interview-working-with-angels michelle-newten-the-glitch-movie-interview-archangel-michael









Connect with Michelle:

Email: mi******@mi************.com

Free Membership Sites:

AOK Healing Centre: 

Phone: 03 58231544

Opening Hours: 10am – 5pm

7 days a week

Original post from The Glitch Movie


[Glitch Movie Interview] How to tune into your Angels (Honour)


Last week I had the pleasure to be interviewed by the producers of the up and coming The Glitch Movie. It was such an honour to be chosen as one of the world’s Angel Lady’s to be interviewed.
Such a relaxed and enjoyable hour talking to Sheri about my love of Angels.

What’s the movie about?
Great question: here’s the synopsis:
THE GLITCH… a gritty fable about finding our angels.

Our heroine is Ella, a nearly-great professional singer who’s just spent two years in prison. She’s determined to start all over and make it up to her son, Danny. They’ve landed in a small town in Cajun Country. It’s full of kind, caring people who, despite their struggles, take Ella and Danny into their hearts.

A mysterious glitch appears on Ella’s TV. People call it an angel and flock to ask the angel for help. Sometimes miracles occur. Although they call her “The Angel Lady,” Ella does not buy the “miracle” thing for a minute. But, she goes along with it and profits from it.

Danny is all she cares about. All that matters to her is making up for those lost years and providing him with the chances to realize his potential. She doesn’t need, nor does she believe in angels. Although, when “The Angel Lady” is forced to defend her beliefs against the local antagonistic clergy, Ella is very convincing.

Then it all turns. Her new flame, Tab, discovers the scam and dumps her. Her son Danny moves out because he also hates her Angel Lady con. Most unfortunately, Ella’s abusive ex-boyfriend has found her; when she rejects him, Billy and the DA conspire to bust her on phony drug charges. The deal offered, is that Ella must confess her TV Angel’s a scam, or go to prison, again. In anguish, she contemplates destroying the faith of the people who sought help from the angel. She can’t.

But there comes a night when her problems seem insurmountable; Ella devises a desperate plan to sell the Angel TV and start a new life. As she flees, she rams her truck into a deep ditch, out in the middle of nowhere. In her most desperate moment she asks the Divine for help. Miss Marie, her elderly neighbor miraculously locates Elle, and sets her back on the road. She urges Ella to have true faith that her angels will protect her, and that she can face the world and her problems. Ella returns to town and defends herself at her trial, successfully. She admits she did not believe, but Miss Marie, who found her and saved her, said an angel led her there.

That’s when she discovers that last night, Miss Marie had passed away… prior to their meeting on the bayou road. The visitation silences the courtroom and her critics.

The Angel Lady finally believes she deserves and HAS the assistance of angels. She truly has arrived at a fresh start in her life.
What did Sheri ask me?
Well, Sheri asked me lots of things about my love of Angels, how I have developed a deep connection with the Angels and how I understand the guidance of the Angels through Angel Signs.  One question Sheri had for me was a follows:
You have become highly attuned to Angel signs and synchronicities.  How can we develop that skill?
My answer was simple: Develop your observation skills
Be: present: Eyes open, Ears open, Heart open.

My interview will go live on the glitch website in about three weeks: I will keep you informed.
Happy St Patrick’s Day, have a blessed and lucky week.
Don’t miss out on your FREE Numerology Report: CLICK HERE
Angel Blessings

PS: The Angels love numbers: It was orchestrated for you to be born on a particular day, time and year.  Your numerology tells you so much about your life’s purpose and path.  To receive your FREE numerology report CLICK HERE


AOK Healing Centre Newsletter: welcome to 2016

Welcome: To the first  Newsletter for 2016, Here are at Angel headquarters we are very excited about all the wonderful new energy that 2016 promises to bring. Christmas 2015 was a joyeous time here at the shop as we were surrounded by so many decorations to . We have just finished arranging our beautiful principal display stand to welcome in 2016 with all sorts of wonderful writing materials, calender’s and daily affirmation pads check out the picture below.

Our range of mandala colouring books have been a huge hit over the Christmas period.  I am expecting more stock of the books over the next few days.  Mandala colouring brings you into a serene meditative state that  benefits your health and well-being. Buy ONLINE HERE: Color Therapy Books or instore for only $12.00 each

                                    FORWARD TO A FRIEND

AOK Healing Centre News:

#1: Beauty Room available for rent : As our regular beautician Cat is leaving us to have her first baby our beautiful Beauty room is available for rent. At the AOK Healing centre we are open 7 days a week, so you will have the opportunity to choose a variety of opening hours to suit your business and yourself. For your customers convenience and comfort the centre is air conditioned and we also have ample free parking.
To enquire please call Michelle at the AOK Healing Centre on 03 58231544

  #2: Ministry of Feng Shui & Destiny Yearly workshop & special offer.
ONLY One Seat Left!
Two sessions then fully booked

Discover 2016 Fire Monkey
Chinese Astrology Four Pillars with Master Salwa Abboud
Sunday 31st January 2.30pm & 5.00pm 2016
How to make the most of Feng Shui through application of tools & remedies for 2016
Find out how to capitalise on your destiny through what 2016 brings you.
*All remedies & books available *Bookings essential
*Cost $5.00 per person
The Chinese say
“First comes Destiny, Second is Luck, Third is your Feng Shui”
Phone 03 58231544 or book at the AOK Healing Centre Emerald Bank Leisure Land
AOK Healing Centre Kialla
Ministry of Feng Shui & Four Pillars of Destiny

#3: Manifestation/Vision Board Workshop with Joyce-Kay
A great workshop to set your intentions for 2016
Saturday February 20th 10:30 – 4pm
Cost for the day $8.00
Includes all materials & Refreshments (Not lunch)

A better life, a new car or home, a new relationship or improvements in existing relationships, travel, improved finances
By exploring and examining your true wishes and desires this workshop assists in creating the ultimate vision board.
To think, dream or say you want a better life/finances/health is a great goal
This workshop allows you to identify your vision, give it clarity and begin the process to achieve it.
By being more specific in all areas of your life – Emotional, Physical, Spiritual and Material. Create the right energy to receive.
The 12 house vision empowers your mind.  BOOK today phone 58231544

#2: Meditation Classes FORWARD TO A FRIEND
WE have secured the beautiful Sharryn Handley to take our regular meditation classes in 2016.
Expressions of interest now being taken:
PHONE The AOK Healing Centre 03 58231544 and reserve your place.

#3: Practitioners available this week at the AOK Healing Centre

Sonja Kobelt
Hummingbird Haven

    Sonja is available at the AOK Healing Centre this Sunday 17th
January 2016.

Sonja works with the following modalities
Reflexology: Face, Hands & Feet Kinergetics
BNT: Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom
Aroma Touch Massage
PHONE The AOK Healing Centre 03 58231544

Angel Card Readings with Michelle Newten ‘The Aussie Angel Lady’

Need guidance? Looking for answers?
I have had the honour to preform many phenomenal readings in person at the centre & I would love to spend some time with your and connect with your Angels.  Book your reading today by phoning the AOK Healing Centre on 03 58231544  Don’t worry if you can’t make it in person, I am also taking readings after hours via skype or phone. After hours sessions please BOOK ONLINE HERE and I will confirm a time with you that suits.

“Michelle “I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for my beautiful reading,you were so very right!!!!Thank you beautiful angels for letting me know to take another look through out the house, other wise I would have signed the lease without knowing all of the negative things”. ReneeXxx

In Closing:

Till next week:
“Angels have heard more New Year promises, plans, and resolutions than anyone on earth could comprehend. Greet this new year with a passion for living true, reaching goals and keeping promises!” 
Angel Blessings

PS: UP TO 50% OFF Face-Book Market Album this weekend
I am holding a face-book market this weekend starting at 7pm Friday and going through until 7pm sunday with UP 50% OFF Christmas Clearance: CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALBUM  Order in the album and you can pick up at the AOK Healing Centre to save postage!


Free Video Series: Video 1 The Five Golden Keys of Angelic Connection


Today is the magical beginning of wonderful things to come!

And the choirs of Heavenly Angels are singing!

I have poured my heart and soul into preparing the most beautiful extended content relating to connecting with the Angels and working with my gorgeous ‘Angel Feather Oracle’.

Today I have an Angelic Gift just for you!
Welcome to my FREE Three Part Video Training Series entitled “The Magic of The Angel Feather Oracle”.

I  love hearing from my readers and over the years I have noticed that I am asked the same questions over and over again.

Do you know what the most common question I receive is?
You guessed it:  How do I connect with my Angels?

And this is where today’s video comes in…
Video 1 is called “The Five Golden Keys of Angelic Connection”

Today I will share with you my ‘Five Golden Keys’ that I have personally developed over many years which have strengthened my connection with the Angelic Realm.

Yes that’s right I have had all the experiences of doubting my abilities in the early days too.  I am so excited to be able to share these techniques with you which will assist you to connect with your Angels and trust your Angelic guidance.

In Video 1: I cover the following magical topics:
-Connection to ‘Source’
-Cord Cutting
-Using the golden keys to connect with the Angels to perform powerful and profound Angel readings using The Angel Feather Oracle.


I hope that you enjoy the magical training in Video 1.

Please, please, please leave me a comment below the video.  I love talking with you!


The stronger your connection is with your Angels the smoother you life will flow!
Angel Blessings

PS: I know it’s hard to find time to take on new training – but know that the Angels have guided you to this knowledge so that you can feel their energy in your life.  Yes it’s Angel Time!

Here’s the link again to VIDEO 1: CLICK HERE

PSS: Stay tuned for VIDEO 2 coming in a few days titled The Magic of Colour Therapy in The Angel Feather Oracle.  You don’t want to miss it!


AOK Healing Centre Opens: Emerald Bank Shepparton


A.O.K. Angels - Newsletter
AOK Healing Centre Opens: Emerald Bank Shepparton
The Doors Opened for the first time todayIt was with great excitement that I announce finally that the doors of the AOK Healing Centre opened for the first time of many to come today at Emerald Bank Shepparton Victoria Australia.
AOK Angels of Kindness finally has a place to call home. A place of love and hope that can be experienced by many over the years to come.
With the immense support of my family and many hours of work in one week we managed to dress this labour of love and put the final coat of elegance and sparkle to this wonderful building.
Over the past week when anyone entered the building they have just said:WOW
I hope that you can come and experience my amazing centre soon too.
Opening Hours:
The centre will be opened 7 days a week.  It is situated at 7715 a Goulburn Valley Highway Emerald Bank Shepparton Victoria Australia.  The opening hours are 10am till 5pm

Please come and sign my visitors book:

What’s coming up at the AOK Healing Centre:

There will be so many awesomeness things happening at the centre, I will keep you posted in the newsletter.  There will be courses, including my own Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course that will be held regularily, plus there will be a variety of healers and psychic readers sharing their talents and love.

Tomorrow Sunday 14th June:
We will have Sandra Ross a talented healer and reader who will be taking psychic readings, massage and healing sessions.  Sandra will be a regular healer at the centre and I welcome her with open arms.  Come along and have an insightful session.

July 3rd – 6th Genevieve Collett Workshop & 1:1 Sessions & Psychic Mediumship Readings:
We will be blessed with the company of the gifted ‘Seer’ & author Genevieve Collett from Sydney. Geneveive will be giving a workshop on Saturday the 5th from 10am till 3pm titled ‘Developing your Mediumship Skills” to book in for the session call into the centre or email me at mi******@ao*****************.com or phone me 0407815685.
She will also be available for business and personal readings, palmistry, psychometry, house clearings and reiki healing sessions on friday 3rd, sunday 5th and monday 6th.  Genevieve reads for me!  She has also cleared my house and I can tell you after being sick for over 12 months following moving in, it was a God send that she literally arrived on my doorstep to take care of the energetic issues that my home had, another magical manifestation.  Now I have a happy home and I am back to my bubbly self.

Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course:
My first course at the centre has booked out without being advertised so I am now taking bookings for the second practitioner course. Please contact me ASAP to secure your place or for more information: mi******@ao*****************.com

In Closing:
I am not sure how I will ever repay my family for their love, support and hard work over the past week. I would also love to say THANK YOU to you and all my followers who have sent heartfelt messages of love and support on the opening of the centre: I have read every single one and they mean the world to me.
Angel Blessings

PS a huge thank you to the beautiful Anne from Love light and beyond who graced us with her presence today doing Angel Card readings.  She was one busy little earth Angel xxxxx

PSS: for all of you who can’t make it to the centre in Victoria here’s a special treat for the month of June.

15% off any order on the AOK Online Shop


Last day of VIP launch Angel Feather Oracle Practitioner Course

WelcomeIts been quite a week to say the least.
I have welcomed new students to the AOK Academy and I am so excited to have them as new members of my inner circle.It’s Angel Time
I received a great question from Karen one of the new members this week.
She said Michelle “Is it was possible to ask the Angels to slow, alter or stop time as we know it?”
Well the answer to that question is YES!
Mind you it does take some practice and mastery.
Its quite an apt question to ponder as the first VIP launch of the AFO Practitioner Course draws to a close.

VIP Bonuses Gone at 2400hrs 9th May: BE QUICK!
The launch clock is ticking down and unless you have mastered the skill of altering time you will miss out on the awesome VIP Bonuses if you don’t ACT NOW!  Take the golden Angel Key and join me for the fabulous training. Knowledge can be the key that changes your life: imagine a qualification recognised by a professional body the IICT, and this course gives you not one but two modalities.

The full training is 100% available the second you sign up, delivered on IT Angels Wings.

Regular Bonuses

The Angel Feather Oracle
Downloadable Workbook
Instant Access to course content: Downloadable Slides & Extra PDF content relating to course
Membership to closed AFO Practitioner Face book Page
Gain membership with the IICT (International Institute of Complimentary Therapies)
AFO Practitioner Certificate for framing

VIP Bonuses (these will fly away at midnight 9th May Australian time)
The Angel Feather Oracle Workbook Print Version
Set of AOK Chakra Cards
30 minute Skype Call with Michelle
Angel Staircase CD 1

I can’t wait for you to join my Angelic Inner Circle and to assist you to become a professional profitable AFO Practitioner, together we can make a difference in the world by giving people pearls of wisdom and hope.

Angel Blessings Always

PS: Gain an esteemed qualification in Angel Card Reading & Colour Therapy TODAY
PSS Just in case you missed my Free Three Part Video Series the links are below:





Why is the apple a symbol of love?

A.O.K. Angels - Newsletter
Happy Valentines Day
So you may ask how do apples relate to love?  Great question!
As you know with Angel Altar work the use of symbology along with your intent is all powerful.  The apple is a very old symbol of love and relates back to the Greek God Dionysus who offered apples to win the Goddess Aprodite’s love.  The apple is not only a ancient symbol of love but also a symbol of ecstasy, fertility and abundance.  Terefore with Angel Altar work you could use an apple, a picture of an apple or a representation of an apple as your representation of deep affectionate love on your romance or marriage altar.
      VIP Addit:  To win someone’s heart today though its not going to cut it  to give someone a bag of apples!!  (Laughing as I write that line!)
It’s 2015: You may like to stick to the red roses instead of red apples guys!I LOVE YOU:
I really truely do.  Please know that today. I love having you here at AOK Angels, I love sharing my love of Angels with you, I really truely mean that.

I just read on my son’s facebook page: “Valentines day has never mean’t anything to me!” and then I read the first comment from one of his friends “your not on your own mate, me either!“.

Here is two young men who don’t have a significant other who can be their witness in life, they yearn for that connection but it hasn’t arrived yet.  So as a mother does that make me sad?  Well yes it does but I know in my heart that you only need the right person to arrive in your life and chose to stay, then destiny and the romance Angels play their part in assoication with Divine timing and Sacred contracts.  My son is adored by all his family but the media and commercial association of Valentines day is to have someone you love to share it with.

At my age I know that the key is to love yourself first so that you can then welcome in your perfect mate.  So today if you don’t have a significant other know that its AOK.  You are loved by many, God and your Angels love you, I love you, you are pure love.
The heart of the matter is today do something for yourself to remind you of this!
Some of us also will have siginificant others who find it difficult to show love so instead of waiting for something that is probably not going to happen, remind yourself how loved you are.  I am off to pick myself a red rose as soon as I finish this newsletter and in doing so I take out any unrealistic expectations of what should be or how I should be loved by giving love to myself.  Really when all is said and done every day should be Valentines Day & Christmas Day all rolled into one.
So here’s the bottom line, if Bertie does happen to remember which he won’t because he doesn’t believe in Valentines day: I can say too late I have already been given a red rose! LOL
Yes the colours of deep red and the rose are also symbols of passionate love. So guys if you do want to win a heart today stick to read roses any other colour today will send the wrong message to a women.

My Gift of Love to you Today:

Due to my schedule I have been guided to increase the investment of my one on one Angel Readings.  So if you would like to give yourself a LOVELY Gift or give your LOVED ONE a LOVELY gift or if you have questions about LOVE or any other issue today I am offering a special $50.00 discount on an Angelic Mediumship Skype Reading for the first x10 people who book!!

BOOK your reading HERE:

Grab this great discount now!  You can chose a skype reading or you can chose to book and pay and then come down to Shepparton later in the year and have your reading at the AOK Angels Wellbeing Centre in person with me: BOOK HERE:

ONLY 6 Days left!!!
Where has the time gone: its only 6 days till my Angelic Mediumship event at the Veneto Club in Bulleen Melbourne: it is going to be a fun and loving night talking with the Angels!
Come along, bring a friend or buy a loved one a ticket this Valentines day.
BOOK your ticket HERE:


In Closing
Coming soon the AOK Angels Academy: Online Angel Academy access worldwide!
Become an AOK Practitioner: Level One: Certified Angel Feather Oracle Reader/Practitioner.
Also Beginners courses available soon! Stay tuned: don’t miss one newsletter!


Angel Blessings of love

PS: $50 off an Angel Reading with The Aussie Angel Lady: First x10 people: BOOK HERE:

Welcome: you are receiving this email because you opted in to receive my Free Angel Feather Oracle Mini eBook.
Our mailing address is:

A.O.K. Angels

29 Canterbury Avenue



Add us to your address book

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Only 7 days to go to claim your AOK Angels Gifts

A.O.K. Angels - Newsletter
*The shop is restocked
*New Christmas Catalogue
*New Crystal Wands, spheres & Angels
*New Gifts
*New Angel Figurines
If I can assist you in any way please contact me: I love to gift wrap or even send your Aussie Christmas presents if you live overseas.

I love what I do and Christmas is the Angel time: joy, bling, ribbons and bows.

Angel Blessings Michelle

PSS: Also next AOK Angels Facebook market will start on Friday 28th November. I am already getting excited and hoping to get my little assistant Miss Jasmine in to help me next week: It’s going to be HUGE!!! I am gathering some awesomeness surprises!
If you are new to my album markets then please register prior to the market commencing, this is a pre-requiste for NEW customers now for my markets as it helps me out by gaining mailing information for my manual invoicing system:
Thank you in advance.

Copyright © 2014 A.O.K. Angels, All rights reserved.
You have submitted your information through the AOK Angels Facebook Market Registration Form
Our mailing address is:

A.O.K. Angels

29 Canterbury Avenue



Add us to your address book

Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp


Last Certified Angel Feather Oracle Reader/Practitioner Course for 2014: November 15th & 16th

A.O.K. Angels - Newsletter
Welcome so much news at AOK Angels
Here’s the NEWS!!

*VIP: Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course 14th & 15th Sacred Keys Epping Melbourne
*Angelic platform session Sacred Keys Open Day this Sunday 9th November at 12:30
*Angelic platform session Melbourne MBS Festival Friday 14th 2pm-2:45pm
*AOK Angels nominated for Kochies Local legend competition
*AOK Angels Well-being centre Shepparton 2015 at Emerald Bank
*IICT 50% discount with my referral.
*Last AOK Angels Face book market for 2014 November 28th -30th
*Angelic Answers added to Angels Toolbox Youtube
*New Oracle coming 2015
Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course:
14th & 15th November Sacred Keys

It’s time to secure your place for the final Angel Feather Oracle Certification course of 2014 starting Saturday week November 15th & 16th: love Angels & colour therapy then this is the course for you.  Lots of fun and lots of learning!
This could be the final course offered in Melbourne as all teaching will be transfered to the AOK Well-Being Center once it is built at Emerald Bank next year.  So grab the chance whilst you can to step into your Earth Angels shoes so that you can fulfill your life’s purpose of serving others.
I am offering a payment plan which has proven helpful to many so please feel free to contact me for more information: 0407815685.  I am doing an Angelic session at Sacred Keys open day this Sunday so the course will be heavily advertised that day so if you would like to secure your place I would recommend doing so if you are interested: please give me a call today.  Here’s what others have said about the course & wow have some of these ladies taken their businesses to the next level since doing the course.  You become apart of my inner circle & gain entry to a closed face book page plus many many more wonderful things. The course fee includes approx $160.00 worth of my self published works for free so you get the complete Angels Toolbox, Certification Book and Certificate.  My course is certified with the IICT and I am an registered training provider IICT.


Wow!! What an amazing transformation I have gone through since completing the course with you  to say that I’m grateful for my experience with you is an understatement.  You really have guided me to that golden key to unlocking so much in me, my confidence with what I’m doing has soared!!
It excites me doing the Facebook page and generating so much love and light to everyone and seeing so much excitement when I do the readings.
Your support has meant so much to me and I will always hold such gratitude for this, your a beautiful Angel that came in to my life right at the perfect moment, Angelic timing.  Bekxx

Thank you The Aussie Angel Lady for the amazing two days workshop. Thank you for sharing with us your vast knowledge about your Angel Feather Oracle card deck and for the endless stories. I highly recommend to anyone this Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course. Love & Light, Gizella

I was recommended to do this course and I found Michelle to be very professional, engaging and knowledgeable. She is also a very warm and welcoming person which adds to value of the course! Great course to be a part of and would highly recommend it!
Julie xx

I’m wearing Pink today Even socks! I am still absorbing the Life Changing workshop on Angel Feather Oracle Certificate!!I can highly recommend to all who love there Angels and of course Feathers!! IngridXX

Thx Michelle Newton for your guidance and most of all your humour. For anyone who owns this gorgeous oracle…….book in and learn the depths of knowledge this oracle has to offer. You’ll never regret it. Denice xx

I feel privileged to have participated in Michelle Newton‘s very first Angel Feather Oracle Card Practitioner Course. The weekend was so informative, enlightening and so fascinating. Michelle was a delight, funny and inspirational, and I would highly recommend this course! Kelly xxxx

Natural Health Practitioners & AFO Certs Get 50% off your membership NOW
I am an affiliate for the IICT: Referee: please use my name ‘Michelle Newton’ when you enter the discount code.  This is a fabulous offer: have all your qualifications recognised and gain discounted practitioners insurance once you become a member.
Click HERE:

Please Help AOK Angels in Kochies Business Builders Competition: VOTE NOW!!
We have been nominated by some lovely Earth Angel in the local legends section to win a major amount of help for our website.  By the way have you checked out our new website? lots of new features: find my weekly Angel Feather Oracle Readings from youtube at the bottom of the home page.

Help to become winners in the $100K Rescue My Site Competition CLICK HERE: #rescuemysite you can vote once a day on any given device: please support us it only takes a minute:
I believe in miracles!

Angels Toolbox TV:
I have recently added a new section to the Angels Toolbox TV on youtube called Angelic Answers: here I will answer your questions about Angels, colour therapy, crystals and all things spiritual.  Please leave me your question on my facebook page or email me at ao*******@gm***.com
To see the first in the Angelic Answers series: CLICK HERE:

In Closing
So busy times ahead at AOK Angels and some awesomeness new exciting things ahead for 2015 more on those in later newsletters.  I look forward to catching up with many of you in the next couple of weeks. NB: please note that AOK Angels will not be having a stand at the MBS in Melbourne. I will only be doing the one platform session on friday.

Angel Blessings Always

PS: Book your place today for the last Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course for 2014! Let me add your name to the list of fabulous AFO Certs including one set of Divine Twins: who is going to be the first man to complete the course?
