Angel Sign:- The Colour Orange


Anyone who has heard me speak knows that I love to talk about my “Orange Angel Sign”.  The Angels have a great time sending me this colour sign; it seems to be ongoing and quite hilarious at times.  It usually occurs when I am being really creative (which I have been in the past few weeks) and usually indicates to me that I need to increase this coloured energy into my auric field to sustain and boost my creative streak.  As you will know orange is not my favourite colour; therefore I tend not to wear it in clothes or jewellery; however I do now try to wear a shade of orange that I feel more comfortable with ie tangerine.
The day that I found my winner of the Angel Altar competition was a significant ‘orange day’.  Wendys Angel Altar picture was the first of three significant ‘Orange ‘colour signs within a few hours.  The first thing I noticed when I saw her altar was the stunning plate which had a large orange circle in the middle of it; my first impression was what a ‘beautiful’ plate & look at its orange center.  Following  this I went down the street to buy my ‘beautiful’ niece Stephanie a birthday present.  After choosing my gift I took it to the counter and watched as it was wrapped in ‘orange‘ tissue paper thinking the whole time; surely they have another colour; what are they thinking!!!.  I have to admit that after it was wrapped I thought  it looked ‘beautiful’.  When I returned home I checked my emails and to my surprise there was an email there for me from an old friend.  It was a video about butterflies and friendship.  My friend wrote ” the orange butterfly at the end reminded me of you!!!!!!”  OK Angels I get it.  Following this I headed for my underwear draw; time for the orange briefs!!!!

special-gifts-PAISB-sm2 New Butterfly gifts    special-gifts-PAISF-sm2 Purple Butterfly

Till next time Angel Blessings



by michelle