With Valentines day fast approaching lets have a look at the symbolism of the ‘Rose’. Every flower & tree has its own meaning and symbolism attached to it. Symbolic associations with the Rose date back to the early Greeks. Roses have been identified with passion and love since these times beginning with their association with the goddesses Aphrodite & Isis. Isis was said to have received Marc Anthony in a room knee-deep in rose petals. The rose is also associated with the Mother Mary who is known as “The Mystic Rose”. Saint Theresa is often depicted holding a red rose and is known as ‘ The little Flower’. As a novice nun she was said to scatter flower petals which was her little action for God & Love. Before she died she said “I will send down a shower of roses”. In modern culture much has been written about roses especially in poetry. Shakespeare also mentioned roses frequently in his plays and sonnets. In China roses have given inspiration for artistic design in many areas from wall paper to china patterns.
Roses are my favourite flower as not only are they visually beautiful but often have the most heavenly scent. They are also a reminder to me that even the most beautiful things are not perfect. One of my favourite sayings is “even a rose has thorns”.
Florists for many years have studied the very special language of flowers especially roses and have ascribed meanings to the colour, variety & number of roses gifted. Traditionally of course the Rose is considered “The Flower of Love” but as every colour has a different meaning it may be well worth a look at the following list.
Rose meanings from the Flower experts:-
Red Rose:- I love You!
Deep emotions; be it love, longing or desire. Also associated with respect, devotion, & admiration.
White Rose:- Purity, & Innocence. I am worthy of you. You’re Heavenly.
Pink Rose:-Perfect happiness! Please believe me! Convey gentle emotions such as admiration, joy & gratitude. Elegance & grace.
Yellow Rose:-Symbol of friendship & caring. No undertones of romance.
Orange Rose:- You are my secret love! Signifies passion & energy. Intense desire.
Lavender Rose:- Love at first sight! Enchantment. Regal majesty, splendor, fascination & adoration.
Blue Rose:- I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you!
Mixed Roses:- I don’t know what my feelings are yet but I sure like you enough to send you roses!!
This Valentines day if you are trying to win someone’s heart it may be an idea to steer away from yellow roses as lovely as they are!!!
The perfect gift for your Valentine
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day.
Remember “A trail of rose petals can be seen where an Angel has been” (M Newton 2009)