116 thoughts on “Angel Power Hour

  1. Anonymous says:

    Doreen has and has had many followers and souls that love her work. What we have to remember is the gifts that she has given us and the light that she has shown us. I personally get hurt when I see and hear so many people talking about her… we need to remember the love and continue to keep that alive. Whether it be God, Jesus or the angels. Love is love and that’s all that matters. Take care everyone ❤️🌟❤️🌟

  2. Anonymous says:

    Doreen has and has had many followers and souls that love her work. What we have to remember is the gifts that she has given us and the light that she has shown us. I personally get hurt when I see and hear so many people talking about her… we need to remember the love and continue to keep that alive. Whether it be God, Jesus or the angels. Love is love and that’s all that matters. Take care everyone

  3. Adrienne van Romondt says:

    Doreen has posted that she will be coming to Australia with Radley for the course in December. Wonderful opportunity to try to understand Doreen’s change of direction. Thank you again Salwa and Michelle

  4. Rachel Jones says:

    I hope this doesn’t come across as negative, but I have to say this is just too much! Can we just leave Doreen alone? Accept she has changed her path, we are all entitled to do so and she truly doesn’t deserve being analyzed like this. I felt my spirit and heart break myself with her change because she was like a spiritual Mom to me who I relied on daily. I have also purchased all her books, cards, courses, apps the list goes on and on…I will continue to use these tools for the love and guidance she has brought to us throughout the years, the love will always be there. I am also no longer following her because I have a different path, we all do. It’s time to LET GO !! I honestly don’t think she would appreciate the Chinese astrology or just this conversation in general, she is not a believer and deserves to follow what makes her heart happy. I am happy for Doreen Virtue that she is following her own guidance whether we like it or not or choose to follow her or not. The lesson we can all learn form this is to follow our own heart and not rely on one person to do it for us ! Keep your spirits up Doreen, you are following what YOU need to do ! Angel blessings to all <3

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