Manifesting Angel Altar New Baby
These little baby figurines are new to the AOK Angels online shop and are perfect to place on an Angel Altar for manifesting in a new baby to love and adore.
Other suggested items for your New Baby Angel Altar:
Figurine or symbolic item related to:
*Mother Mary, Archangel Gabriel or St Gerard Majella.
*Flowers real or ornamental such as:
Roses: devotion and love on all levels.
Lotus Flower: the lotus flower is the highest symbol of fertility in the Hindu culture. It represents purity because lotus flowers grow in muddy waters but remain untouched by the impurities.
Apple Blossom (also Apples): symbolic of love, passion & fertility.
Lilly: totem flower of mothers, especially new mothers, represent nurturing, unions and long lasting relationships.
*Other symbols of love or words such as,Love, Family, Baby.
*Animals related to fertility pictures or little figurine such as
Rabbits: traditionally, rabbits are associated with fertility, desire, and reproduction
Turtles: turtles because they lay so many eggs and the hard shell also makes them symbolic of protection.
Butterflies: are symbols of a change in the spirit’s state (like from pure spirit to inhabiting a body, for instance).
Fish: the fish as a feminine symbol of fertility and an attributed to the Goddess.
Other animals associated with fertility, grasshoppers, cows, frogs & pigs.
*The Pomegranate:(In Feng Shui, the pomegranate is a symbol of fertility because of its many red seeds). So a picture of one or a real on.
*Items related to babies, teddy bear, booties, etc
*Pictures of the mother, father and siblings if applicable
*Crystals Moonstone, Malachite (midwifes stone), Rose quartz or Garnet.
*Colours: Green is a fertile color and the color of the heart. Orange is a creative color and the color of the sacral chakra that is the fertility chakra.
Chose items as guided and embrace your creativity.
Tend Angel Altar with love and change items as guided.
Set your positive loving intent with your Angels.
For more information on Angel Altars CLICK HERE: