The Angels love to leave us feathers to let us know that they are around us. Often however, they will chose to leave a specific coloured feather; this is because the colour has an energetic significance. Therefore; a coloured feather is not only left for reassurance but it is also left a an ‘Angel Sign’ bearing a significant message. As I usually reinforce any sign left is more significant if seen two or three times. Note what you were thinking about when you find the feather, the time of day, where you find it, who you are with at the time and anything else that you may think is relevant. Different colours can mean different things to people, so be intuitively guided when you are trying to put the pieces together. Always thank the Angels for leaving you any sign and if necessary ask for more understanding of what they may be trying to communicate with you. If you are observant enough the Angels may give you a sequence of signs in a short amount of time. For example at the start of the year I began to see a repeated sign every time I went to work, it was a number plate “QIT” and each time I saw it I said thankyou. I knew it is time for me to move on but I just wasn’t ready to. Then one day after seeing the number plate again I walked into the hospital thinking about it, at that moment I looked down and there on the carpet was a bright pink feather. I stopped and picked it up. Obviously several people must have walked over it as I had passed many people on the way in, but it was meant for me. The Angels were saying to me that they knew I had been receiving the “QIT” sign and it was alright they loved me and were surrounding me with love as
I contemplated it.
Below is a short list of what coloured feathers may mean:-
White:- spirituality, hope, protection, purification, moon blessings, faith, truth
Green:-money, fertility, growth, peace, success, health, abundance,
Brown:-stability, grounding, home, endurance, friendship, simplicity
Orange:- energy, success, change, attraction, ambition, emotions, optimism
Yellow:- intelligence, vision, grace, generosity, happiness
Red:- courage, passion, success, security, career goals, action
Pink:-love, friendship, compassion, service, faithfulness, honor, harmony
Grey:-peace, neutrality, practical, authentic, flexibility
Blue:-contentment, peace, inspiration, communication, acceptance
Black & white:-protection
Brown & white:-happiness
Grey & white:- hope
Green & red:-finances
Blue, white & black:- change
Hope this has been of some assistance. Till next time, happy feather finding!
Angel Blessings