Mother Teresa once said that “loneliness is the worst poverty!”
As a mother this is one of the most heartfelt things that I witness each day with my son the Advanced Soul. I understand that this is my lesson and I am sure that one day I will be grateful for it somehow! Learning how to watch his loneliness and trying to understand it; as he gives so much of himself to others over and over again with minimal return in the stakes of friendship and company. Another Melbourne Cup day went by with no one to do anything with despite texts and face book posts! We won’t even talk about how New Years Eve goes each year!. We got through Cup day only just; he was very down and sad.
Then two days later he wins 5 tickets in a raffle at his new cricket club!
Well what a wonderful thing; for some maybe. You see when you haven’t learnt a lesson or you have put your hand up to be the teacher of a particular lesson (that’s the job description of the Advanced Soul); then the Universe will deliver the lesson again and again in different formats until its mastered.
My instant reaction to the ticket win was “‘please Angels let someone say they will go with him; just one person!” Many texts and a face book plea lead to the usual no response. He rings me after work today totally down and out. His younger brother Mr Indigo would usually save the day without being asked but he is under the pump at work and feeling most unwell with the flu; despite this, he had already spoken to him on the phone and tried to suggest some alternatives.
So what to do? My younger son (Mr Indigo) suggests that he go with four of his work mates and use his ticket as he was too unwell but he wasn’t sure about that. Mr Indigo also offers to go to his place and watch the game with him despite his flu! (that’s another advanced soul at work!)
Yet another call trying to put forward options and suggestions. To my amazement Mr Advanced Soul starts talking to me about letting the cricket club down if the tickets aren’t used! The tickets are valuable and the club would be disappointed if he didn’t make use of them. He felt it would be best if he drove into the city to the ground and give all five tickets away and then come home and watch it on TV (alone). Do you see only an Advanced Soul can think like that?
Eventually after a great team effort with Mr Indigo we reach a solution. Mr Advanced Soul is convinced to take Mr Indigo’s ticket and meet up with his work colleagues at the game. He has never met these people but they are mad sports fans just like him so; yeah, thank you Angels. On arriving they decide that they would assess the tickets and see which look like the best seats;and use them; great the benefits for all, so why not. Then the five remaining tickets would be given away. There’s the silver lining five people will benefit from this without even knowing the saga behind it. The Angels have orchestrated a miracle for five other people as well.
So as Dr Wayne Dyer says “there’s a solution to every problem!”
That would mean then that there’s also a solution to the worst poverty in the world, loneliness!
Angel Blessings Michelle