August 2013 AOK newsletter: Something wonderful is about to happen

A.O.K. Angels - Newsletter

Something wonderful is about to happen! What if we could all shift our thinking so that we could live in a constant state of wonder?
This month on the AOK Angels face book page we have been collectively working on this affirmation every morning before we get up out of bed. “Something wonderful is about to happen to me today!” Life brings us good and bad and all the emotions associated with both that’s just the way life is. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could maintain our focus despite all that is happening, not only so that we focus on the positive but also to focus on the wonder of positive unexpected events that are manifesting. It takes great skill to live in a place of wonder but like everything practice makes perfect! This simple affirmation offers us a focus that keeps us in a positive mindset but also importantly allows our Angels to bring us the best possible outcomes; the most amazing and wonderful things that we would never imagine possible. It allows us to take ourselves out of the equation, prevents us from subconsciously setting up false ceilings about our worth and takes out our subconscious fears and doubts.
I have been putting this affirmation into practice myself; repeating it before I get out of bed: it’s like putting a positive stamp on the day before it begins; saying it regularly throughout the day and I have it written on a sticker and placed it on my computer so that I keep reading it also.

Too Hard Basket:

I may have mentioned my “Too hard basket!” before; it’s another one of my regular coping strategies that the Angels have encouraged me to maintain. This I find especially beneficial for financial problems. I don’t just put things straight into the basket. I follow all the guidance given to me and then when I feel like I have hit a brick wall or things just seem to be too difficult and I really have no idea how to deal with them anymore, that’s when they go into the basket. The problem or issue is written down and placed into the basket with the intent that I will leave it there for the Angels to take care of. This prevents me from carrying the problem around in my mind over thinking it and from carrying the pressures on my shoulders. I use a basket; its actually a basket I bought from the cheap shop and decorated with wings to represent the Angels, you can use anything that you like. You may have heard of a ‘God Box’ or’ Angel Box‘ its the same concept but I find I can fit business folders etc into my basket easily.

New: Angel Box only x 2 available

Wonderful things happening:
There are lots of wonderful things happening at AOK Angels this month.
The first is on the online Angel shop. Over the past couple of weeks I have added nearly 80 new products;you will notice them as they have a purple NEW tag on their picture.
I have decided to make August all about connecting with our Crystal Angels. Time to bring some extra beauty into your life to work on your own healing, manifesting or Angel Altar work or maybe time to give a crystal gift.
I have put together a Wonderful special for everyone that will run from today 14th August until September 1st:
20% off four crystal catalogues starting with the word ‘Crystal’: Crystal Jewellery; Crystal Tumblestones, Crystals & Gifts; & Crystals Handcrafted All’is pots of heaven .

To receive the 20% of any item in these four catalogues place the Code: *Gem* in the discount code; Then *click apply code*.
NB: You will then see the discount applied in the totals section not next to the actual items in the cart.

Face book Market:
Wonderful news! The next face book market will be held starting Friday 30th at 7.30pm and will conclude Sunday 1st Sept 7.30pm. More info will follow on the AOK Angels Face book

Other news:
I have received shipment of the second print of The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book today and the Angel Feather Oracle Card deck is also being reprinted for the 4th time and will be in stock in a few weeks; that’s wonderful. Today I also received wonderful news that I will be possibly be doing a speakers cafe in Sydney at the MBS: I will be tuning into your Angels and delivering Angel messages, I will let you know when this is confirmed. I will however be definitely be giving a seminar at the November Melbourne MBS so please add to your diary Sunday 17th November Seminar B: 3.30 till 4.15 again I will be connecting with your Angels and giving Angel messages using The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck. I look forward to seeing you all in November at one of the MBS Expos.

In closing:
“May you live today with wonder that is as certain as the sun, strength that is as steadfast as the mountains, and love that is as true as the Angels.”
Angel Blessings


by michelle