Its really no coincidence how I am lead to look into the meanings of certain signs & symbols. A couple of weeks ago whilst waiting for an appointment in this beautiful lounge room one would have to be blind if they didn’t notice the owners love of elephants. They were every where!!; on pillows, in pictures and as figurines. This small room was full of elephants; little elephants and the feeling in the room was of fun and happiness. As I sat on the couch and closed my eyes I could see and feel that the elephants would just jumped out of their picture, pillows and along with the figurines all came to life running around and around the coffee table. I have friends who have an immense passion for elephants after falling in love with them overseas and I must admit I have given many elephant figurines as presents; yes with the trunks facing upwards for extra luck Sally!! I started to think; as my house is full of Angels; do I actually have any elephant figurines? Off I went in search. Well yes; there on my kitchen shelves is my set of 4 gorgeous wooden coloured elephants; trunks facing down and I don’t care because they are just beautiful & next to them my little jade elephant that my sister gave me as a gift when she returned from overseas; thanks Louise. So lets take a look at the meaning & symbolism behind these adorable big creatures.
The elephant is a huge animal with large ears and small eyes. They are said to have magnificent memories & are very intelligent, hardly ever forgetting the places they have been and never repeat a path that has proven dangerous. (Hence the saying “An Elephant never forgets”)
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They live in groups like families and always defend, stand up for & look after each other ; therefore the elephant is a symbol of responsibility, loyalty & determination. Elephants are obedient animals and are careful and calm most of the time; however if the leader of the group asks for a specific task to be done they will obey passing over anything in front of them. They become insensible to fatigue or pain & it is practically impossible to stop an elephant responding to its masters call. Elephants have a long life span and are therefore associated with longevity and are a symbol of overcoming death. They also express advanced sensitivity particularly at the time of death of another.
In India the elephant has long been regarded as a symbol of Divine Wisdom. Throughout the Orient the qualities the elephant are seen as longevity, self restraint, patience, endurance, strength & honor. Additional symbolic meanings of stability, sovereignty, stead-fastness, power, triumph & victory has come from the elephants ability to aid in battle. The Hindu God ‘Ganesh’ is pictured with an elephants head and is the God of good luck, fortune, protection, blesses new projects & bulldozes obstacles. The birth of Buddha was said to be announced by a white elephant; white elephants are rare and are still thought to be a phenomenon of the Gods.
In Chinese symbolism the elephant is an icon of patience, chastity & temperance. It is also considered a symbol of longevity, happiness & good luck.
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So what does my little jade elephant mean for me? Well my research revealed that Jade elephants symbolise the following; ability to strengthen the union of a romantic relationship, protection of the home, longevity, power, strength, wisdom, inspires intelligence, prominence & grants wishes. And finally; yes its upturned trunk symbolises good fortune & happiness.
All sounds great to me; thanks Louise!!!! On that note lets all make a wish!!!!
Till next time Angel Blessings